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Casbah - announcement...


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Originally posted by fleshnblood

i dont live off english essays


It's a good job you don't or you'd be starving! :P


Spelling correctly is common courtesy, not only does it show you've taken the time to think about what you're writing, but also to make sure you've not made any glaring errors. Simple common sense, eh?



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Rumour mill capital of the UK !


Casbah's shutting down... according to every well informed taxi driver in this city !! I bet they've got tomorrow night's lottery numbers too!


Manager's sacked for no reason.... i'll bet ya my entire life's savings that people get the heave-ho for many a valid reason. People just cannot get sacked for "no reason".. the law is on the side of the employee not the employer. Do employees wake up in the morning and think, i'll sack the manager, don't need a reason.. i'll just do it and cause myself extra stress and work ? Can't think of anything better!!


Fact - The Casbah over seven years ago was an underground tip two foot deep in water with more plants growing there than the Winter Gardens. If the legendary Wapentake was so successful why didn't it carry on, just so all the rockers could drink NBrown and moan about the music. Someone came along with the foresight to give Sheffield back, something that was missing, a decent club with decent music, atmosphere. The upstairs bar was then a tanning salon and had to have major work done to make it what it is today.


Fact - The Wapentake didn't work then nor will it work today, 2005.. sooner everyone realises that, the better.


Fact - A promoter's job is to promote the club/events.. a promoter is as only as good as the previous night's turn out. No good having a BIG name if the venue is only 1/4 - 1/2 full. The promoter's job is to make the venue £££££, what's the point on having a gig where only a dozen folks turn up... (been in them shoes, it ain't good for anyone).


Fact - The Casbah is totally independent of any brewery.


Fact - Tell me anywhere on a Fri/Sat night in any city centre nightclub/venue where you can get in for FREE and stay until 2.15.. apart from The Casbah (door charge applicable from 10.30). Nowhere.


Fact - I work there.


Fact - Tonight (Friday) the Casbah will be rammed (AS USUAL).


Fact - i'm not really Ted Hughes.

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Fact - The Wapentake didn't work then nor will it work today, 2005.. sooner everyone realises that, the better. [/b]


The Wapentake was not working in its last year, thats true, but it used to work very well indeed in the 80s and first half of the 90's. No reason to suggest that it would not work again but in a new incarnation. But then the Casbah is as close to that 'new incarnation' as anyone can possibly be I guess...


As it stands now, I love it.......better it is the Casbah than was closed down and turned into a pound shop!!!

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