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Who remembers the Corporation street baths


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I remember them ,used to go swimming there when I was a kid. It amazed me when they were knocked down how small the space was. Just couldn't imagine there being a swimming baths there. I think most of the swimming baths had slipper baths next to them in the past .I remember the star walk used to finish there at one time and a lot of the walkers used to go there to cool off. :thumbsup:

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Yonks ago, I used to swim there regularly.


I say swim which is really a laugh, the pool was so small.


If you dived in at the end of the length you would emerge at the other end of the bath.


You could swim several lengths quite easily due to the size of the pool.


On saying all this we used to enjoy our dip every week.


Simple pleasures


Happy Days!

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I learned to swim at Corporation St Baths- we were taken there from school for swimming lessons. This would have been around 1959. The water temperature was always quite high so the place was always steamy. I think the boilers were coal fired so the temperature was difficult to regulate. To gain your Elementary Certificate you had to jump in the water and swim 25 yards- that meant swimming a length AND a breadth, the pool being that small.

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Originally posted by burnttoast

Don't think it came from the Don ,but I bet it was emptied in there,perhapse thats why it was so poluted at the time:clap:

It's not polluted now though, I saw some ducks there a while ago. :) By the way what about that DRINK :clap: Hope to see you soon:clap:

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Hey Nimrod, I got my first (and only) swimming certificate at Corporation Street, 50 yards, two length. It was our local baths, very small, a killer for a 50 yd certificate though. We used to go there from Pye Bank School, and we used the 'slipper' baths when we started to 'chuck up a bit'. Hard to think that it doesn't exist any more.

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I got my elementary and proffiency swimming certificates at Corporation street baths. We used to have blocks to dive off.

We always got a cup of OXO at the end of the session.


When you look at the area where the baths used to be it now looks even smaller. Can't imagine it fitting in there.

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