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Bouncers in Sheffield WHERE ARE THEY GOOD


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I have read lots of comments on here about bouncers working in Sheffield. I was out over this weekend doing the usual round in pubs and clubs, love banks holidays.


I was in a bar on west street and saw several girls fighting, the bouncers came in and tried to calm the situation, one had a pint chucked on him and another ended having to hold a female that went to hit him. They removed her from site although she tried to attack them with every step. A load of blokes and women started shouting at them and the bouncers ignored them and just got on saying hi to folks with a smile. I have seen bouncers loose it and just fight but they remained really cool and didn't let it get to them.


There are idiots doing this job but this happens everywhere, but seems some now do it well.


They even have jokes with us, one asked me for my buspass cheeky sod, but was in good humour.


When closing one of the doorstaff shake your hand and say goodnight to you, well done the flares 80's bar near city hall.



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Most places have decent bouncers, it's just a small minority that give them all a bad name.


I agree - so hopefully we will find the best places in Sheffield. Sadly all people ever do is complain.

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The guys at the Forum and The Old House have been the same guys for years and years, and are great.


Also, a guy called "Spanner" who works in lots of places around Sheffield, including Henry's, and he is lovely! Once there was a girl trying to start on him outside Babylon and he dealt with it really well. He is a really nice guy but *looks* absolutely terrifying!

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