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Panorama Undercover Care: The abuse exposed

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I've only watched a bit of it, that was enough. I'm not altogether surprised, even though it is pretty horrific. 'Caring' jobs are completely undervalued in our society. To recruit people with the right attitude, there needs to be a complete rethink about the pay, conditions and employment status of people whose job it is to look after the vulnerable. Obviously some people do it for the love of the job, but some won't care how they treat their charges.


I think the low status of these jobs stems from it being historically 'womens' work', and it needs few academic qualifications. However, if we really want a decent society wher the disabled, the elderly and the mentally ill are cared for properly, then we need to pay for it. There also needs to be much more scrutiny of the current service.


Think you have summed up the issues there.


Was shocked like most by what I saw where basically bullies were running things there.


The most worrying thing is you can bet that thats not the only place where it goes on and dispite the whistle blower handing them them what was happening on a plate nothing happened.


Poor management and recruitment were clearly an issue here.


Well done Panorama for bringing this to light.

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I was shocked that i knew one of the people that was in this programe, i had them has a friend to on facebook till i seen that programme. My ex who im still good friends with is a rugby player in bristol one of them play's in the same team has him that's how i know him for over 6years. Made my stomach sick watching this. Now i seen they been arrested to, Hope they get put in prison and given the same treatment back this person in question also use to work for HMP when i knew him.

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Well one thing positive to come out of this is that those individuals concerned in this should no longer be able to work with vulnerable people again. All these people should now not pass CRB checks therefore ruling out working within this sector again. Well hopefully anyway.

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yes i read about this on the news page,shocking i think.makes you wonder if it is more widespread or its just an isolated case.its a cause for concern.

It always makes my blood boil when you see cases like this, I have no doubt whatsoever it is widespread. It's not just confined to private care homes but it also happens with "Carers" who go out on call to people's homes.

Thats the problem they employ people with no sense of pride on probally minimum wage who don't have a caring bone in them,this is more than likely widespread in homes and without the film crew going inwould still be going on.

Exactly, for a while my wife was a care worker and it is VERY low wage. She left because many of the other carers were horrible people who brought their problems and aggression to work with them and took it out on the vulnerable. The management weren't interested and just money-grab/penny pinch wherever possible.

Very ugly but I'm surprised at how many people are so surprised.

Yes, it's like when a child is rescued from a horrific life in captivity (or worse) and people are shocked. It's only because the news or other publicity highlights it. It happens a lot more regularly than some people think. What's worse is how many more poor children we may never know about that won't get rescued. Truly heart breaking stuff.

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Did anyone see panorama last night ?

Im wondering how this abuse has gone on so long!!! It must be so distressing for the families of the patients as they think they are putting their children in the care of proffessional people , Although some of the staff have been dismissed it will be interesting to see if they too are punished like the poor individuals in the programme have been .

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It was disgusting, if i had any relatives under the care of those ---ts - i swear i would be facing a long stay at her majesty pleasure. Also to add the Care Quality Commission is not fit for purpose.... http://healthdirectory.cqc.org.uk/findcareservices/informationabouthealthcareservices/summaryinformation/searchfororganisation.cfm?cit_id=0000061610&widCall1=customWidgets.content_view_1


I hope everytime they are recognised in the street, they get a good hiding/spat at.


Absolute ********

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What a barbaric place this country has become.


This is what happens when you put non educated chav's in a trusted position because they are cheap. People complain about eastern Europeans or Indians taking over the basic level jobs. This is a prime example of why.


Who the hell thought that Wayne should be in this position in the first place?

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What a barbaric place this country has become.

This is what happens when you put non educated chav's in a trusted position because they are cheap. People complain about eastern Europeans or Indians taking over the basic level jobs. This is a prime example of why.


Who the hell thought that Wayne should be in this position in the first place?


You think this kind of thing is new?

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I know running private homes like Winterbourne are expensive, but £3,500 per week per patient....

I hope more money is invested in the bodies that regulate & inspect care homes for the vulnerable & elderley. Perhaps if staff knew that spot checks were regular then this kind of abuse might be less common. Also regular training & certification for staff may help

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I know running private homes like Winterbourne are expensive, but £3,500 per week per patient....

I hope more money is invested in the bodies that regulate & inspect care homes for the vulnerable & elderley. Perhaps if staff knew that spot checks were regular then this kind of abuse might be less common. Also regular training & certification for staff may help


Yep, and an annual turnover of £90million for the parent company.


Of course with it being a Ltd company its primary duty of care is to its shareholders rather than to the taxpayer who funds them or the vulnerable people it looks after.


I wonder what sort of profits the company makes. Traditionally the excuse for paying meagre wages to care assistants was that the profit margins were too tight to pay proper wages and employ professional people.

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