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Promiscuity and relationships

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Has anyone here ever been promiscuous, and if so, what do you tell your partners about the past? The whole truth, or part-truth? Or is it none of their business?


I'm thinking of one of Mrs.H's work colleagues from years ago, who once admitted that she had slept with 'over 300 men' and so she lied to her insecure and aggressive husband (even though it was years before meeting him)


Some people regard this as their business, and are angry about, or threatened by their partner's past.


Would you consider it generally true that men have been around more than women?

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Your past is the past and has absolutely no impact on your present relationship (unless you're planning to be unfaithful).


My advice is don't discuss the past unless you're one of the rare few in an exceptionally open minded and relaxed relationship.


And even then, never ever reveal your magic number. Ever. It's personal and has no bearing on the person you're currently dating. No one in a well reasoned relationship should be asking that kind of information. I find it incredible that anyone would ask, but, of course, it always comes from a place of insecurity, so the whole topic is a house of cards. Avoid it!

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I agree, it's a minefield. I'm monogomous and not really flirty or anything, but have been asked these exact questions by ex's before now, who seem to need to open the can of worms.


Also, I have worked in town and seen (also on stags, working away and days out of town etc) people not exactly conducting themselves loyally, behind their partner's backs - male and female! There's lots of it about beneath the surface?

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All of the women in my life no that I have other women in my life. They are all fine with it because of what I can offer them in terms of lifestyle and experience.


However I demand that they all stay exclusive to me, and it's an arrangement that works quite well with them.

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All of the women in my life no that I have other women in my life. They are all fine with it because of what I can offer them in terms of lifestyle and experience.


However I demand that they all stay exclusive to me, and it's an arrangement that works quite well with them.



You obviously sleep late. WAKE UP!

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My husband and me have been together for 12 and half year.

He has always been honest about who he has and has not been with, he even told me he was dating this one girl and seeing her neighbour to lol.


A small ammount of jealousy is normal in any relationship, did i get jealouse when he was telling me one about all women he had been with???


Course I did but only because of my own insecurities, e.g. what if their better looking , what if he got on better with one of them ect

I know he needs 3 hands to count the women thats been in his life his 35.


Me im 28 and i can count how many people i have been with on one hand exactly 5 people including my husband in that.

He gets jealous when I mention them 4 that was not him.



Think it is what makes our relationship stay alive and happy lol,

That and the fact he is like my best friend as well as my hubby.



Being Promiscuose In a relationship wont work, It wouldn't for me because then where is the trust , and do you trust ??

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What I said earlier today, which now seems to have been disappeared, was that most women are going to be curious about a partner's past sexual experiences. They'll all say they just want to know and that it'll make no difference. Don't believe it, of course it will, and we'll just use it as a stick to beat you with once we know how promiscuous you've been, you naughty boy! :D

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Both of us had lives before we got together and we both know that the other wasn't an angel in those lives. What is important is that we choose to be together monogamously and we both value each other's monogamy, trust and love.

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