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Maternity grant unfair

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I'm 27 weeks pregnant and just rang to enquirer about the maternity grant and just been told I'm not eligible to claim because I'm on incapacity benefit not income support! so because I'm not working because I'm unable rather than either by choice or been unfortunate i cant get any help for my baby i think this is disgusting so because I'm ill my baby has to miss out on £500 to help me provide a good start where as if i was just unemployed i could claim. :rant::rant::rant:

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I thought the whole maternity grant thing had been stopped??


Incapacity benefit means your unfit to work, doesn't mean your claiming benefits because your too lazy to work. How do you know the OP doesn't have mental issues as to why they can't work. So because through no fault of her own, she shouldn't have kids?

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Obviously there will be some people on incap who are taking the mick but what if for example someone can't work for a number of issues and it's not their fault, should they not have kids then? Is that fair to take away their choice? Suppose everyone thinks different.

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dvp82 if you read the post I'm not on benefits because i want to be......

x-gigles-x i agree it is unfair that people who work are also unable to claim apparently it has only changed recently because my partners brother received it when his son was born just 3 years ago! if you have paid taxes you should be entitled to sum help rather than just the people who dont want to work.... i have worked constantly from before i left school until i was taken ill 10 months ago so have paid my taxes and dont see why only people who wont get off there backside and try n get a job should get the help!! and before you start I'm not saying ALL who are on income support wont get a job....

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id double check that information, and did you tell them u wanted maternity grant ? its just that its called the surestart grant, it may make a difference, request an application form it tells you on there who is eligable to claim, but im sure you can claim, its still a benefit ur on , but you can only claim, from 30 weeks pregnant, and its for your first child only,

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Unfair? what about us that work but are not entitled to it either?


Totally agree I recently had a baby and worked all my life and didnt get a penny to help. Not that I expected it because at the end of the day we chose to start a family so its upto us to provide but valid comment you made.

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