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Maternity grant unfair

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So people on here believe that being poor should prevent them from having children? I assume these same people believe that children born with a disability should be 'humanely dealt with' unless the parents are wealthy enough to pay for the child without resorting to state aid. Next one I assume that you would prevent parents with genetic 'flaws' from having children unless they can prove that they can afford the children, if born with the flaw, and here's me thinking we live in a civilized society! I've seen kids being reared by parents who, although wealthy, shouldn't have been left in charge of a goldfish. Are we going to stop them having children? No of course not, they're wealthy! So let's just whine about the 'poor' breeding. NOBODY, I say again NOBODY has the right to tell me I am not entitled to be a parent, whether I require state aid to support my children or not. We are not living in Nazi Germany, where disabled children and adults were killed because of their drain upon society, or 1930's USA where Disabled adults were forcibly 'neutered' to prevent them breeding. I thought we were living in a slightly more tolerant society, who actually saw the benefit to society in general, of removing child poverty. I can see some of the posters have, obviously, yet to make it into the 21st century.

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I'd agree on that, but I'm just using for examples, there must be people out there for what ever reason can not work but would still make great parents and who is anyone to tell them that they can't have a family? What I'm getting at is there are people who through no fault of their own need financial help and will always need financial help and who is anyone to play god and say that person can't have children, I wouldn't like to be the person that took that away from them.[


People who say you shouldn't have kids aren't playing god, the state is for without them your children would starve. Not saying that is fair but I'd bet there are parents in third world countries who are less able than you toiling the fields.


Not saying we should go to a third world benefit system or anywhere near it. However the parents should provide where they can rather than rely on "god" ( the state)

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child allowance should be means tested its not as important to people as it was in the 1950's and 60's and people shouldnt rely on it, a lot of young girls do get pregnant knowing how much money they can claim from the state if they arent working, why hand out a carrot ie as in child allowance just to produce more babies, in some cases not even wanted!


Now that I do find sad that a girl thinks her sole purpose in life is to have a baby at a young age and have no ambitions for a career/job etc.

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So people on here believe that being poor should prevent them from having children? I assume these same people believe that children born with a disability should be 'humanely dealt with' unless the parents are wealthy enough to pay for the child without resorting to state aid. Next one I assume that you would prevent parents with genetic 'flaws' from having children unless they can prove that they can afford the children, if born with the flaw, and here's me thinking we live in a civilized society! I've seen kids being reared by parents who, although wealthy, shouldn't have been left in charge of a goldfish. Are we going to stop them having children? No of course not, they're wealthy! So let's just whine about the 'poor' breeding. NOBODY, I say again NOBODY has the right to tell me I am not entitled to be a parent, whether I require state aid to support my children or not. We are not living in Nazi Germany, where disabled children and adults were killed because of their drain upon society, or 1930's USA where Disabled adults were forcibly 'neutered' to prevent them breeding. I thought we were living in a slightly more tolerant society, who actually saw the benefit to society in general, of removing child poverty. I can see some of the posters have, obviously, yet to make it into the 21st century.



This is what I'm trying to get at too.

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a single girl say with 2 babies can get far more on the state than working, taking into account her rent and council tax paid, child allowance etc, it aint worth her working in the first place!!


Correct and this is what I am against - the lazy bums.


But I wouldn't stop someone with a genuine reason from claiming benefits.

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Now that I do find sad that a girl thinks her sole purpose in life is to have a baby at a young age and have no ambitions for a career/job etc.


I think it shows just how dire things are for the young when they think having a child is a better option for having a decent standard of living then working. Perhaps if more was done to offer the youth of today a future then we might have fewer younger parents. If I was 17-19 today I think I'd be looking for a rope to end it all, with youth unemployment at over 20%, older workers hanging on to their jobs longer and education virtually unaffordable (without wealthy parents) what choices are there?

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The universal benefit system (if I've got that name right) will change that of course. It will always be worth working as benefits will be withdrawn in a staged way so that any amount of work always increases your overall income.

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So people on here believe that being poor should prevent them from having children? I assume these same people believe that children born with a disability should be 'humanely dealt with' unless the parents are wealthy enough to pay for the child without resorting to state aid. Next one I assume that you would prevent parents with genetic 'flaws' from having children unless they can prove that they can afford the children, if born with the flaw, and here's me thinking we live in a civilized society! I've seen kids being reared by parents who, although wealthy, shouldn't have been left in charge of a goldfish. Are we going to stop them having children? No of course not, they're wealthy! So let's just whine about the 'poor' breeding. NOBODY, I say again NOBODY has the right to tell me I am not entitled to be a parent, whether I require state aid to support my children or not. We are not living in Nazi Germany, where disabled children and adults were killed because of their drain upon society, or 1930's USA where Disabled adults were forcibly 'neutered' to prevent them breeding. I thought we were living in a slightly more tolerant society, who actually saw the benefit to society in general, of removing child poverty. I can see some of the posters have, obviously, yet to make it into the 21st century.


I call Godwins law and claim my prize. What do I win?


I'm not sure how you managed to get from "people should look after their own offspring" to "the poor shouldn't be allowed to breed". You've taken a basic statement about responsibility and turned it into a fascist declaration.

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