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Maternity grant unfair

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His child goes to school 5 days a week I believe, his grandparents look after him at other times, and even his mother on occasion.


I've never asked him for a detailed breakdown, but he makes it work somehow.

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We cannot continue to have the "haves" and the "have nots" in our society.


Is it fair that the people who work/contribute to society continue to be penalised from all angles, be left with barely enough to live on, while the other half do nothing to contribute, but have a far more comfortable exsistance?


The oddest thing to me about many people on disability (I'm not talking about the truely disabled - I'm talking about the people who have bad backs, acholism and depression )............whiles these people appear to be completely incapable of working, they seem to be able to organise holidays, orgainse there drugs (if there druggies), get themselves to the pub.


And not forgetting, there disability does not stop them having sex and poping out more kids, for the "workers" to support

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why do people get so indignant about their right to procreate?? Why do you get so angry when people want others to make sure they can look after their offspring, if you can't look after them then no you have no right to have them!


A civilised society would be one where the people in it think "what do I have to offer a baby" not "I want one and who cares if I can't feed it or look after it!


No right? A civilized society wouldn't place people in the position that they can't AFFORD to have children, you talk about rights! You'd better believe I get angry about rights! People don't want others to make sure they can look after their children they want to SAVE MONEY it's called GREED and there is nothing civilized about greed. Having money does not make you any better a parent than money/income and if you can't see that then there is no hope for you.

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Shouldn't means you haven't introduced a law to stop them YET!


No, that would be "Won't allow them to".


Shouldn't is a statement about how they should behave without it having to be enforced.


People shouldn't do things they can't finance themselves, that includes having children they can't afford.

Obviously the safety net should still be there because circumstances can and do change unexpectedly, but to deliberately have a child that you know you cannot afford is selfish and people shouldn't do it.

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His child goes to school 5 days a week I believe, his grandparents look after him at other times, and even his mother on occasion.


I've never asked him for a detailed breakdown, but he makes it work somehow.


Well he's very lucky, I and lots of other people don't have those advantages, which I suppose makes us bad parents.

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No right? A civilized society wouldn't place people in the position that they can't AFFORD to have children, you talk about rights! You'd better believe I get angry about rights! People don't want others to make sure they can look after their children they want to SAVE MONEY it's called GREED and there is nothing civilized about greed. Having money does not make you any better a parent than money/income and if you can't see that then there is no hope for you.


Having money doesn't make you a capable parent that's true.

But having children when you can't afford it and expecting the state to pick up the bill doesn't either.


There is a right to family life, which includes having children if you wish.

There isn't a right to have the state fund your life choices though.

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No right? A civilized society wouldn't place people in the position that they can't AFFORD to have children, you talk about rights! You'd better believe I get angry about rights! People don't want others to make sure they can look after their children they want to SAVE MONEY it's called GREED and there is nothing civilized about greed. Having money does not make you any better a parent than money/income and if you can't see that then there is no hope for you.



Bold bit

Its already happening, try paying your bills, rent, taxes etc.. on the minimum wage. I'm not on the minimum wage, but I could not afford any more kids on my cuirrent wage



What about people who work for the minumum wage, they can't afford to have children thanks to the amount of tax paid to the scroungers

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So you think looking after three children isn't a full time job? So all those full time mothers out there, sitting at home while their husbands work should get off their 'fat' collective 'behinds' and get a job? I do part-time voluntary work and I don't think, until both are at least old enough to go to and from school on their own I will be able to do full time work, and even then it's iffy. I will NOT allow my kids to become latch key yobs, even if that means I have to stay part-time. (No suggestion you are intended)


You might want to read the entire thread and my earlier posts before jumping to conclusions.

I do not think that because you decide to have kids you also have the right to decide to pack in work altogether no, unless you can afford and want to do that.

I have had the same job for the last 6 and half years and always returned to work, OK part time but I still work. I still contribute and show my kids that working pays, not only that I like to work I wouldn't want to sit home all day.

My husband worked but suffered an accident so isn't working at the moment, but he attended college and did voluntary work in hopes of getting a job in another field soon.

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No right? A civilized society wouldn't place people in the position that they can't AFFORD to have children, you talk about rights! You'd better believe I get angry about rights! People don't want others to make sure they can look after their children they want to SAVE MONEY it's called GREED and there is nothing civilized about greed. Having money does not make you any better a parent than money/income and if you can't see that then there is no hope for you.


what are you ranting about? decide first then write. no-one has said having money makes you a better parent:huh:

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