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Maternity grant unfair

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You're missing the point


What point am I missing? That the benefit system is/was intended as a safety net not a college fund for the reasonably well off? If you are earning above the qualification level for CTC then why should the state provide you with support? Is it necessary? Or is it an I want some of that greed thing?

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I wish I could afford to use my child benefit to put into a bank account for my daughter. I have to use it to buy her shoes or clothes. When she was a newborn it went on nappies and everything else newborns need. Thank goodness she wears big girl knickers now so I can use it to buy her jeans and tops as she is growing so fast.


Absolutely, by the time I've washed their clothes they've grown out of them. Thank god for charity shops and Primark!!

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So you would like to go back to the middle ages would you? Where if you were unfortunate enough to be out of work you stole or starved? You want a selfish society that works on the adage I'm alright Jack <insert obscenity> you! I suppose you would be happy to see kids starving in the streets so it doesn't impact upon YOUR pocket. I find it fascinating that your primary argument is about taking from YOUR pocket. So I assume you want to see disabled children euthanized because of the impact they make on your pocket? Driving a car is a lifestyle choice, if you have an accident then why should the rest of us have to pay for your failure to prevent an accident if you are involved in one. Perhaps we should force anybody who is injured due to a 'lifestyle choice' to pay for their own care? Will that include obesity? Just think how much money you will save not having to pay for all those 'selfish' peoples actions! By the way that is sarcasm for anybody who thinks I am proposing this.


i didn't say anything of the sort. you seem very touchy on the subject. im not advocating people starve if they lose their jobs, no one has, you're flying off the handle here i think. but if you are already on state hand outs why should you have the right to put an even larger burden on the state just because you want kids? who gives you that right?


you are taking no responsibility for your actions and expect everyone else to pick up your tab, give me one good reason why you should not have to provide for your own children? and how does that make you a good parent?

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The state isn't there to act as a bank, it is there to provide the services we all require and provide a safety net for those who are unable, for whatever reason, to provide for themselves.


And a key point here is that having children does not make you unable to provide for yourself.

And, if you're already in the situation of not being able to provide for yourself, it's extremely selfish to make that situation worse!

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I'm 27 weeks pregnant and just rang to enquirer about the maternity grant and just been told I'm not eligible to claim because I'm on incapacity benefit not income support! so because I'm not working because I'm unable rather than either by choice or been unfortunate i cant get any help for my baby i think this is disgusting so because I'm ill my baby has to miss out on £500 to help me provide a good start where as if i was just unemployed i could claim. :rant::rant::rant:


Why not pay for your own baby?

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Absolutely, by the time I've washed their clothes they've grown out of them. Thank god for charity shops and Primark!!
I would be lost without charity shops and Primark. I have loads of her old things on here for sale but no-one is getting back to me... and with how many various items there is I cannot give them away as the money will go towards buying my little one some more clothes.
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Why were you expecting to get anything? (Apart from Child Benefit that you can get).



Not really no and I dont think we even applied we just worked it out online IF we could get it.


I dont mind not getting anything from the bank of UK I am just happy it can provide us a good (ish) health service.


Although it does **** me off when a lot of the scum EXPECT to get hand outs all the bloody time.

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i didn't say anything of the sort. you seem very touchy on the subject. im not advocating people starve if they lose their jobs, no one has, you're flying off the handle here i think. but if you are already on state hand outs why should you have the right to put an even larger burden on the state just because you want kids? who gives you that right?


you are taking no responsibility for your actions and expect everyone else to pick up your tab, give me one good reason why you should not have to provide for your own children? and how does that make you a good parent?


Really I seem a little touchy? I am one of those people relying upon benefits, not because I WANT to but because I HAVE to. I am a single parent with two small children made redundant on the day my eldest was born. I don't have a family to fall back on as a free babysitting service, my ex-wife is only allowed supervised contact so how am I supposed to find work? Where am I, not one of the 2.4 MILLION unemployed going to find a job which will offer the flexible working and the pay levels required to make working worthwhile? I do voluntary work which I can fit round my parental responsibilities. I take personally the character assasination being made against the majority of single parents on benefits. If you think I'm taking no responsibility then you consider how much it would cost the council or state if I decided I couldn't cope and put the children into care. I believe the current cost of children placed in care is around £500 per WEEK and take my word for it I'm not getting £1000 per week!!

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People on benefits shouldn't have babies


Everyone that has a child gets child benefit so how would that work? Oh you mean poor people shouldn't have children.


We need more children at the moment on the country so we should be encouraging young poeple to procreate not making ignorant judgmental statements.


The reason the welfare state exists is to support people who can't do so themselves for whatever reason.

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