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Maternity grant unfair

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because if your on is you dont have to be classed as actively seeking work (no wonder theres thousands on it ). if he was on jsa he could be classed as not actively seeking work because of barriers he is creating in not getting a job ie (single parent)?. he would then be threatened with losing some of his money because of this(so he should). he knows how to play the system and is working it to his advantage like thousands like him . i wonder in what capacity he does voluntary work ?


i believe you don't actually have a choice to which benefit you claim it is decided by the information you provide and if he was to claim JSA as a single parent they would just tell him to claim IS.

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also a hyperthetical question for you all (not aimed at anyone) but I'm curious as to what you think on this as everyone has been talking about children being a lifestyle choice and although i know of noone this has happened to it is something that does happen.


lets say that theres a woman who IS incapable of working and so has decided as much as she would like kids she cant support them so isnt going to have any. Now lets say god forbid she was raped and as a result she fell pregnant and while weighing up her options she decides that she cant abort it as to her that would be killing it and she doesnt want it adopted because although it came from something horrible it was after all still her child so she decides to keep it and raise it herself. Would some of you still stick to the "if you cant afford kids you shouldnt have them" attitude?


Dont get me wrong i agree if you can work and support your kids you shoul and although i havent worked all the time myself my partner has and i am expecting my 2nd and yes we get child benefit and tax credits but my partner does work 39 hours a week (i dont purely because i want to bring my kids up myself, i dont see the point in having kids you never see and also i have at points worked for effectively nothing and not seen my daughter) therefore he contributes tax which i guess we get back in child related benefits BUT why shouldnt we? we dont get much but if your entitled to it and you need that little bit extra to make ends meet why let your kids suffer for your own pride?


before anyone lynches me it was just a general point and aimed at noone personally. Yes children ARE a lifestyle choice (most of the time) but its a choice we are ALL entitled to regardless! Don't get me wrong my kids dont go without but we by no means have any spare pennies and thats with my partner working full time. Money is not everything!!!!

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i believe you don't actually have a choice to which benefit you claim it is decided by the information you provide and if he was to claim JSA as a single parent they would just tell him to claim IS.
after watching the fairy jobmother on tv last night and what she was saying about the changes i think thats all about to change.the bloke on the programme who was telling them about his diabetes reminds me of someone off here into putting barriers stopping them from getting a job. well done to the single parent woman for getting a job (take note iuchi zien )the changes will affect people like you .
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because if your on is you dont have to be classed as actively seeking work (no wonder theres thousands on it ). if he was on jsa he could be classed as not actively seeking work because of barriers he is creating in not getting a job ie (single parent)?. he would then be threatened with losing some of his money because of this(so he should). he knows how to play the system and is working it to his advantage like thousands like him . i wonder in what capacity he does voluntary work ?


I followed the advice of the Citizens Advice Bureau. Who informed me what benefits I am entitled to claim. As to the program you talk about, what did she do for childcare? How old were her children? So based upon one case, on a television programme, you want to apply that to EVERYBODY? Well I watched a programme a wehile ago where a family gave up all their 'modern technology' and not only did they reduce their carbon footprint to almost nothing but said afterwards that it was quite an acceptable lifestyle, perhaps you want that as well?

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I followed the advice of the Citizens Advice Bureau. Who informed me what benefits I am entitled to claim. As to the program you talk about, what did she do for childcare? How old were her children? So based upon one case, on a television programme, you want to apply that to EVERYBODY? Well I watched a programme a wehile ago where a family gave up all their 'modern technology' and not only did they reduce their carbon footprint to almost nothing but said afterwards that it was quite an acceptable lifestyle, perhaps you want that as well?


obviously! i mean if the tv says we should.... :roll: ignore some of the people on here your kids are more important than money and as long as their happy :) btw what voluntary work do ya do? just out of curiosity.

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There are loads of different if's and but's and Scenarios. It's OK saying only have kids if you can afford them etc but at the time you might be able to, but who's to say that a couple of years down the line you will be out of work, had an accident and be forced to live on benefits.

Everyone has a different outlook, some people think kids are a life style choice whilst others think everyone has the right to have them, what's correct? Who knows?

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obviously! i mean if the tv says we should.... :roll: ignore some of the people on here your kids are more important than money and as long as their happy :) btw what voluntary work do ya do? just out of curiosity.


Thanks! I teach English to Asylum seekers: Stands back and waits for the rants about the UK's woes being the fault of Asylum seekers and people like me:gag:

Why do people think that I don't want to make my family better off then they currently are by working? I would love to take my children on holiday to Russia to visit their relatives and meet friends I have over there, not going to happen on benefits that's for sure! But, and it's a big but I am not prepared to put work priorities above my children EVER.

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Thanks! I teach English to Asylum seekers: Stands back and waits for the rants about the UK's woes being the fault of Asylum seekers and people like me:gag:

Why do people think that I don't want to make my family better off then they currently are by working? I would love to take my children on holiday to Russia to visit their relatives and meet friends I have over there, not going to happen on benefits that's for sure! But, and it's a big but I am not prepared to put work priorities above my children EVER.


I don't think work should come above your children, I think they kind of go hand in hand.

Obviously the most important thing to most parents are their children, they are to me, they are my priority and that's why I work to pay for them and show them that that's the correct thing to do.

I want the best for them, and that's a good education and a good career.

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Thanks! I teach English to Asylum seekers: Stands back and waits for the rants about the UK's woes being the fault of Asylum seekers and people like me:gag:

Why do people think that I don't want to make my family better off then they currently are by working? I would love to take my children on holiday to Russia to visit their relatives and meet friends I have over there, not going to happen on benefits that's for sure! But, and it's a big but I am not prepared to put work priorities above my children EVER.


Let them rant, at least your doing something, maybe you do get money for the state to help support your children but at least you give something back to the community which is more than some. I absolutely agree that your children should come first, mine do but its easy for me to say as I am fortunate enough to have a partner who is willing to work to support us so I can be at home for my kids. In all fairness as well we can't afford holidays abroad and we're hardly "poor" its just the way it is.

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