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Maternity grant unfair

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my mum had 5 kids never worked, brought us all up, my dad worked 7 days a week to provide for us, never hurt any of us and we were brought up knowing right from wrong, mum never palmed us off to anyone and they didnt get a penny from the state - there was less trouble back then also and kids were far more respectful - shame it cant be like that again!!


Well my Dad worked 6 days a week, my Mum part time. We were never on benefits either, until my Dad had cancer at the age of 59 and was forced to give up work.

I think it's an old fashioned view for the father to be out at work and the mother to stay home. Plus I think kids benefit from spending quality time with Dad and not for him to be just seen as a wage packet.

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Yes it does. The menopause is there for a reason.


The risks of having babies with defects when your old increases quite a lot as women near the menopause.


Women are not designed to have babies in old age. (35+)


And how much extra does that stretch the NHS, when these mothers and their babies need that extra care?


I'm not saying get on benefits and breed like wild fire either.

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precisely! - society is too soft these days and in my eyes thats whats causing all the problems!


I get annoyed hearing about this fictitious "they" as in "they should provide for it", "they should do something about it".

When our youngest child went to university, one of us worked full-time the other worked part-time to enable him to do so, no grants just hard work.

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thats the whole point tho, these days mum and dad are both at work, baby is palmed off to a babysitter, they get to see it for an hour every night if that!


Some people are like that yeah and that I don't agree with, but both parents can work the week between them in some cases and share the child care between them and have family time at weekends.

Work/life balance, if you have kids your entering into a family, and both Mum and Dad should be involved, not just Mum stay home and Dad work all hours god sends and kids see nothing of him, how do the bond with him? I think kids bonding with Dad's is very very important.

My husband can do everything, change nappies, do bottles etc, some men don't and I find that very sad, you could say why have a baby and then palm it off on mother.

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my mum had 5 kids never worked, brought us all up, my dad worked 7 days a week to provide for us, never hurt any of us and we were brought up knowing right from wrong, mum never palmed us off to anyone and they didnt get a penny from the state - there was less trouble back then also and kids were far more respectful - shame it cant be like that again!!


Yes she did! She would have got child allowance - everyone who had more than one child was entitled to that! I'm in my 50's and my mum got child allowance for me (albeit not for my sister as you only got child allowance on second or subsequent children) so I know it's been going round for a very long time! And it's still a "benefit".

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ljb23 - we saw dad every night and sometimes at weekends, we were at school all day, never skived and mum had our dinner cooked every night and for dad when he came home - just like the waltons maybe - but a happy childhood we all had - we all bonded with dad even though he did work a lot and we never went without anything!!

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