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Ralph O'Donnell

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I was deeply saddened to receive a message from Ralph O'Donnell's nephew Alan telling me that Ralph had passed away.

I had been in contact with Ralph regularly by phone over the years and can only confirm that he was the nice guy that we at Owler Lane found him to be all those years ago teaching PE. Games and Geography.

Fortunately, I spoke to him twice over the past few weeks and he was his normal chirpy self, but he was obviously not well at all. I have since spoken to his lovely wife Eileen and she assures me he died peacefully with his family around him.

Ralph O'Donnell - good footballer - good teacher - great guy.

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I didn't know him personally, but was a great admirer of his, when he played for the Owls. A player who just got on with it, didn't catch the eye particularly as some centre halves did by ferocious tackling, or by their size, but read the game well and while perhaps not as good as Joe Shaw, I thought they both used their brains more than brawn.

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I too was saddend to hear of the death of Ralph O'Donnell I met him on the training pitch around 1955, he was approachable and would talk to you, it was only this last Sunday I tried to find out how he was and then his death announced in the Star this week was a lot of a shock, Rest In Peace Ralph one of the many unsung people of your era.

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