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£80 fines for swearing in Barnsley

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If you swear in English it's a fine


If you swear in any other language it's...........no fine!




Get a grip. If you're English and you swear in Italian you'll not get fined. (Unless the policeman understands Italian.)

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Charlotte Linacre, Campaign Manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, which campaigns for lower taxes and against wasteful public spending, said: “Of course in some situations swearing can be very unpleasant but police already have powers to intervene where there is a disturbance or threat.


“This new rule looks like a money-making scheme. Instead of plotting new ways to charge the public and use up police time, resources should be focused on real crime fighting.”


Daniel Hamilton, Director of Big Brother Watch - a civil liberties and privacy campaign group - said: “While nobody wants to hear foul language while they’re walking down the street, this proposal goes a step too far. Intimidating behaviour should of course be punished, but it’s important to keep things in proportion.


Maybe when these two people have seen that there is no alternative then maybe they'd see why its been done. If I tell someone to stop swearing near my kids, I'm usually greeted with a "<REMOVED> off".


The only way morons learn is by hitting them in the wallet.

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Maybe when these two people have seen that there is no alternative then maybe they'd see why its been done. If I tell someone to stop swearing near my kids, I'm usually greeted with a "<REMOVED> off".

The only way morons learn is by hitting them in the wallet.




Maybe they've read your posts on here!;)

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The report on local news yesterday said "in the town centre"...I want to find out where the boundary is....so I can stand right next to it and should offensive words from the sideline :hihi:


If anything this decision will be a contributory factor for me NOT to visit Barnsley...as if it wasn't dire enough already :gag:

Why do you want to be deliberately offensive? I thought you were supposed to be religious? :huh:


A smack in the gob would be a better deterrent than a fine, surely?

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Good point.


Perhaps South Yorkshire Police could publish a list of words that will result in an £80 fine.


Isn't 'tory' effectively a swear in Barnsley?


Then if they published a list of forbidden words, wouldn't they have to fine themselves? or just anybody that reads it aloud?

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Why do you want to be deliberately offensive? I thought you were supposed to be religious? :huh:


A smack in the gob would be a better deterrent than a fine, surely?


Me thinks you totally missed the point of the post. It was to reflect the irony that there will surely be a boundary to the town centre....and from the sidelines you could, should you so wish, swear and not be penalised.


No...I am not religious...I am a follower of Jesus...religion is something completely different....and that is for a different thread. :)


And as for a smack in the gob...are you advocating violence Ruby :o

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