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Fracking..gas drilling

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Hydrolic fracturing

where water and chemicals are pumped at high speed into cracks far underground to drill for gas

tbh i never knew about it till just now, it was on the news, and it shocked me when i saw somebodys water out of the tap light from a lighter.

it was on the news because they think it may be the cause of an earthquake in blackpool as theis type of drilling was happening in the same region at the same time





some us videos on fracking





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We have similar earthqukes like that almost weekly from settlement due to mining - most of them are so minor you need instruments to detect them.


As for the danger in contamination of water systems it depends on where you get them from - if its out at sea then any water system wouldnt be used for drinking as it would be saline anyway.

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Drilling sideways for oil and gas as in the video is what I do for a living.


Producing gas from shale is a new idea and not something I've been involved with, but obviously aquifers have to be protected and not contaminated, so the issue is one of regulation.


The USA is notoriously lax when it comes to regulation of the oil and gas industry and I'm sure we can do it better.

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I object to the term "fracking" used to mean just fracking for shale gas. The term actually means any form of fracturing rock to increase hydrocarbon recovery and most wells are "sand fractured" which means pumping sand down the hole into fractures in the reservoir.


This opens increases the permeability of the rock and increases production vastly. It means that less wells need to be drilled.


It's done on almost every well I drill.

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  • 2 years later...
Hydrolic fracturing

where water and chemicals are pumped at high speed into cracks far underground to drill for gas

tbh i never knew about it till just now, it was on the news, and it shocked me when i saw somebodys water out of the tap light from a lighter.

it was on the news because they think it may be the cause of an earthquake in blackpool as theis type of drilling was happening in the same region at the same time





some us videos on fracking






With so many imponderables about the use of this contentious use of gas and oil extraction it is not something which can be permitted without the greatest of research and debate .

Water contamination has been proven to be a consequence .

Earth tremors have been linked to the practice .

Professionals - linked to the companies concerned have discounted these links as co-incidental . Others have questioned the validity of their deliberations .

One MP has suggested financial inducement to communities in order to encourage them to accept the practice in their area . Typical . Question what interest he has in this venture .

In Lancashire , earth tremors were experienced following tests .

Now there is the prospect of fracking in the south of England and in North Yorkshire .

I would pose two questions at this juncture :-

(1). What effect could this have on the existing mining infrastructure ?

(2). What could be the result of insurance premiums on properties in ares where fracking is carried out - given that earth tremors have been linked to the practice ?

I have severe reservations about the whole practice and would urge everyone to insist on the most in depth and independent research - not just of the practice - but into the consequential effects on the localities and the whole surrounding infrastructure .

In a radio interview on Friday I was asked " Would I not like to get up in the morning and be able to switch on my light " ? My response was " I would like to think that my grand children and all future generations would be able to switch on the light ".

This is not just about today , it is all about to-morrow !

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Hydrolic fracturing

where water and chemicals are pumped at high speed into cracks far underground to drill for gas

tbh i never knew about it till just now, it was on the news, and it shocked me when i saw somebodys water out of the tap light from a lighter.

it was on the news because they think it may be the cause of an earthquake in blackpool as theis type of drilling was happening in the same region at the same time





some us videos on fracking






if the eton rifles think there is money in it for their mates...its happening...no matter what the protesters do...so what lancashire might lose blackpool...not be missed by us yorkies...i say carry on fracking...i'll transport the fracking machines...:hihi::hihi:

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