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Taekwondo, Coming soon

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If it was a Sheffield school, then didn't TAGB used to teach in certain schools at one point? I remember years ago, one of my neighbours sons started doing it after school and seem to remember it being TAGB?


Couple of names spring to mind from that period of time (these names could be totally wrong, working from memory), one was called Graham Churchill and one was called Malcolm Siddall?? I am sure one or both taught in schools?


For a "Blue low", I am going to guess it means Blue belt, and not the one with coloured tips to mark the transition point to the next level? (blue belt with red stripe at the end?)


I remember Graham Churchill from the TAGB. ITF style TKD is a nice martial art to take part in. If i wasnt kickboxing then id probably have gone for ITF as its a very "leggy style" a lot of Lead leg machine gun kicking but they also have patterns and traditional stuff like that.


WTF and ITF TKD seem like totally different martial arts.

The WTF is bigger however. It seems to me that everyone in Asia seems to practise WTF style TKD as seen in the Olympics. ITF style seems like a form of Freestyle Karate or even like a semi contact version of kickboxing and so seems to be quite popular in America and of course the UK.

Back in the day, TAGB did really well in the old "Clash of the Titans" series.


What i think is, if you want to move onto kickboxing then ITF is a good style.

If you want Olympic recognition then its all about WTF.


This is coming from me even though i personally enjoy practising the ITF style a lot more.

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WTF is the bigger of the two across most of the World, in the UK however it is relatively small with around 15,000 or so members. The TAGB have around 25,000 with ITF around 20,000. Each has its own merits depending on what you want out of it.

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Sorry I forgot about the independents.

The TAGB are independents so with their figures it would take the figure to around 30,000. Mudo (Taekwondo) is very small with fewer than 1,000 members which is why we can only have affiliate membership of the BTC. We do get to take part in the World and European Taekwondo International events which sees all styles of Taekwondo (including WTF)

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Didn’t forget, there are more World and European championships for Taekwondo than the ones the WTF organise. The World Championships will be held in Coventry in July and will include full contact Taekwondo. Practitioners from WTF across the World will be fighting at this competition alongside independents, ITF and Kukkiwon in a true show of Taekwondo unity

(the BTCB dont allow its members to compete). It will held over 3 days on 25 rings and will incorporate all disciplines of Taekwondo

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2 men and 2 women might get the chance to go for the 2016 Olympic in Rio if they qualify. With many BTCB clubs concentrating on the fighting aspects what is there for those who have passed the fighting age?


I hope it does stay an Olympic sport but it could well be dropped in 2020 in favour of other contact sports. In the past Taekwondo has had some bad press with the scoring and bad referee decisions. A fighter kicking the ref and of course Aaron Cook (seeded number 1) who may change nationalities due to his omission from London. Only in the UK is the regime so restricted. All this will go against Taekwondo come the voting day.


Taekwondo needs to pull together and show the World how great it is regardless of style to ensure it stays as the most popular martial art and Olympic sport in World. (I will get off my soap box now)

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2 men 2 women had thier chance because of BT, and were very successful. I would rather be on the side of a bus advertising milk than stub in a backwater association with egg on my face....but I suppose ignorance is bliss!

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