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Immigrant recieves 2nd highest bravery award

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What don't you like about non-native. There is a legitimate distinction. Are you just trying to infer I'm racist? Come on spit it out. Get to your point. You had a chance 3 pages ago.


Whoa, it was your good self pontificating about treating people as people. I'm inferring you're a hypocrite.

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He would be regarded as someone who contributes to society.

I think most of this thread is going off at a tangent.

Not unless he walks around wearing his uniform or medals.

As posted earlier, my view is that the vast majority of people are not racists but are concerned about the number of people coming into the country who can not or do not want to adopt this country's lifestyle, culture, language or can contribute by their abilities or skills.

I've said this before, but I personally believe we're all racist to some degree, in that we're all capable of forming negative opinions about people based on stereotypes that we believe are true-I do it and am not ashamed to admit it, but it's the ability to recognise it and address those negative views-that's the issue. Referring to immigrants as an infestation, scum or benefit scroungers as I see often on this forum is not the way to overcome it.


Incidentally, I've enjoyed your rational contributions to this thread and responding to them btw.

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But they can as soon as they speak just like Eastern Europeans can.


Yes that's true, on reflection my comparison wasn't a valid one. Perhaps it's because someone from Southern Ireland or the richer states of Europe isn't regarded as negatively as someone with dark skin or from Eastern Europe?

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He is a British soldier loyally serving Queen and Country and deserves our respect for what he has done.

End of story.


He does get respect from most in this country. Apart from a tiny (but very noisy) minority within the muslim community.

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Please explain.


Well there's an equally tiny minority of non Muslims who don't respect the contributions of foreigners serving in the British army.


"The BNP, led by Nick Griffin, called Johnson Beharry "an immigrant" and claimed his heroics, which saved the lives of 30 fellow soldiers, were simply "routine".

On its website the far-right political party states that Lance Corporal Beharry only received Britain's top military honour because of "positive discrimination by the PC-mad government".



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