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Immigrant recieves 2nd highest bravery award

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Have you met Mel?


I said the people who make the most noise, mel rarely starts threads here from a race perspective compared to the fire breathing xenophobes who seem to make it a daily occupation.

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heh heh yeah


"during the war"


BUT if he really did fend off all those nasties single handedly, thats one damn achievement, mustve been terrifying, and an almost dead situation


True bravery I'd say. Deserves all the praise going!

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Mel's just as bad. He likes to fan the flames.


No, he's not-he's usually just responding to the knobheads who like to fan the flames where most people would just rub along fine with their neighbours, whatever colour/religion they are.

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Mel's just as bad. He likes to fan the flames.

very very occasionly


like i said before i also do a lot of other things on this forum (helping people in the computer section, talking in the history / going out / entertainment and very occasionly the sports sections)

im also a long on/off user of the chatroom

and i like occasionly to start / post in the most stupidest threads / subjects going


i am far from one track minded which some certain people on the right seem to be (some people dont seem to post in ANY other types of threads but political / religious ones)

which is what i think your trying to push us into


this threads quite interesting tho its brought you Tony in from the cold, i always thought you were one of the fence sitters but youve definitely shown your full colours in this thread :)

also it seems to have pushed skins who was always a bit of a liberal into a position of confusion :)


it also shows me and boyfriday even tho we arent real life friends nor ever met or even talked that much apart from in threads dont just seem to be on the same page but on the same wavelength completely

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The Op still seems to miss the point of objections to the title.

The man who won the award was a soldier acting as a soldier when he won the award. Not acting as an immigrant, a married man, a father or anything else. That is why he deserves to be honored, not because of his origins or where he lives.

There is no link between the two except to use his actions to further another agenda. If it had been a soldier from Southern Ireland serving in the British army would the OP still have used the same title ?

I am still not certain if he should even be classed as an immigrant as I do not know if he is still serving in the army and living in married quarters.

By the way I have been a soldier and all the lads I served with from different backgrounds just saw themselves as soldiers accepted as equals by each other.

If you wish to criticise unfounded racism I will support you (as you can check from my previous posts) but please do not use others in this way.

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The Op still seems to miss the point of objections to the title.

The man who won the award was a soldier acting as a soldier when he won the award. Not acting as an immigrant, a married man, a father or anything else. That is why he deserves to be honored, not because of his origins or where he lives.

There is no link between the two except to use his actions to further another agenda.


funny that, seems to me the opposite is also true.

people on here talk negatively about ALL immigrants / migrant workers no matter where they come from or what they do, NOT ONE of the usual suspects ever utters a single positive, specially about muslims

shouldnt they be treated as people?, brothers? sisters? mums? dads? etc or whatever they do for a job (bus driver? doctor? supermarket worker?)

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how many immigrants have killed, raped or thieved their way through the british isles? does this number overshadow the number of immigrants that have received bravery awards?


does this mean immigrants are all murderers, rapists and thieves? it does using your logic!


what a stupid troll like thread to make. you're no better than a racist!


As we are a mongrel race built upon immigration from all corners of the world then all murders, rapes and thievery is committed by immigrants. Your point being?

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funny that, seems to me the opposite is also true.

people on here talk negatively about ALL immigrants / migrant workers no matter where they come from or what they do, NOT ONE of the usual suspects ever utters a single positive, specially about muslims

shouldnt they be treated as people?, brothers? sisters? mums? dads? etc or whatever they do for a job (bus driver? doctor? supermarket worker?)

Of course muslins should be tret as individuals the same as others but what you are doing here is seperating this soldier from the other soldiers serving who have also won gallantry awards. You are seperating him from the organisation he belongs to and was acting as a part of when he won the award. The fact that he is an immigrant is irrelevant.

If you had put foreign soldier amongst gallantry award winners I think you would have had positive replies.

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