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Asylum seekers given amnesty

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they never found him


Not wishing to labour the point, but how do you know he was an illegal immigrant from Turkey, wanted in his home country for rape? It doesn't sound like the kind of information someone would share with their housemates.

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Well, if you are on a plane, it's hard to get off at 30,000 feet, just because you are over country "x".
Obviously not too hard to get on a plane that's heading further than you need to go though, is it?
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Obviously not too hard to get on a plane that's heading further than you need to go though, is it?


..and the vast majority of asylum seekers dont, however if you read the link that alex kindly posted earlier, you'll see the reasons why they can end up here quite legitimately-contrary to popular belief we take only a fraction of the world's refugees, other poorer countries shoulder the majority of the burden.

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What's being continually (and conveniently) ignored by detractors on this thread, is that many (most?) illegal immigrants (including asylum seekers - until they declare themselves as such, all those without visas are illegal immigrants) can't get to the UK of their own initiative (because of existing procedures and services), and are helped in/brought in by specialist criminal network(s).


The problem isn't that the UK gives too many handouts (by and large, it doesn't...certainly less than Belgium, France or Germany, at any rate), the problem is that these criminal networks falsely advertise that the UK does, as much as they can, in countries of 'departure'. It's basic marketing, by criminals, for their gain. How surprising.


Until these networks are brought down (fat chance, too many vested interests and money at stake here and overseas), the trickle isn't going to stop. Ever. You can throw tax money at the problem in the UK all you want, it's just like that fable of the kid plugging holes in the dam with his fingers. So long as there's some coin to be made from passing illegals, criminals will keep having a go. And bringing in illegals is big money these days, a close second to drugs, essentially the same channels are used, with much less risk (with regard to sentencing for the passers).


So, there ya have it. Keep braying at the tree that hides the forest. Keep blaming those trying to better their lot (never mind escaping a life threat, eh?) After all, they're so much more visible than those who abuse them (and us) left, right and centre.

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Oh ricgem, how would you know that? My grandfather was a business owner and my grandmother was a chef at the Titchfield Hotel owned by Errol Flynn, they owned land and property and paid for all their childrens education, before they came here. They were sold a dream of an idyllic life in the Mother Country, ironically later endorsed by Enoch Powell-and took a chance, just as many British people do when they go to work overseas.

Well people are generally biased towards any argument they're supporting-it's hardly rocket science!


She wasn't the one who burned it down in 1936 was she?

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..and the vast majority of asylum seekers dont, however if you read the link that alex kindly posted earlier, you'll see the reasons why they can end up here quite legitimately-contrary to popular belief we take only a fraction of the world's refugees, other poorer countries shoulder the majority of the burden.
Nobody doubts that we only take a minority, or that the poorer neighbouring countries take the majority.


However small that minority, it is too many. The neighbouring countries should take all - let the troubled parts of the world keep their own troubles. We should take none, not a single one, under any circumstances, except from our neighbouring countries.

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What's being continually (and conveniently) ignored by detractors on this thread, is that many (most?) illegal immigrants (including asylum seekers - until they declare themselves as such, all those without visas are illegal immigrants) can't get to the UK of their own initiative (because of existing procedures and services), and are helped in/brought in by specialist criminal network(s).
Fine, but until we have a workable system of throwing them out without appeal back to where they belong, they will continue to come.
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Nobody doubts that we only take a minority, or that the poorer neighbouring countries take the majority.


However small that minority, it is too many. The neighbouring countries should take all - let the troubled parts of the world keep their own troubles. We should take none, not a single one, under any circumstances, except from our neighbouring countries.


Well I totally disagree.

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