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Asylum seekers given amnesty

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boyfriday you talk a load of <removed> iv been on the housing list for both sheffield and rotherham for 5 yrs keep bidding but never succeeded iv lived in a rat infested 1 room for 2 yrs while cruvic a lithuanian whom i work with a nice guy may i say as got an house with is wife they have been here 2yrs i have been offered nothing so dont talk <removed>
There are plenty of cases like this.


A friend of mine (who lives admittedly in a less than desireable area) has seen Somalian immigrants on benefits moved into a flat near him, all furnished including new white goods in the kitchen at the council's expense. They should be kept in a hostel, under lock and key, while their prompt return to Somalia is arranged.

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Well that's a slightly different spin compared to what you said previously "Yet IMO's of any color creed or religion come here and get the lot". And as I said before immigrants in the overwhelming number of cases come here to work, study or be supported by their family members, not the state. I'm genuinely sympathetic to your situation, but obviously benefits are designed (or should be) to provide a very basic level of support. As sad as your situation is and irrespective of how much you might have paid into the system, because of your wife's income you're not deemed eligible or in need of that support.


Even if the system wasn't subsidising anyone else that wouldn't mean you would or should receive more since that would be a disincentive to find work.




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There are plenty of cases like this.


A friend of mine (who lives admittedly in a less than desireable area) has seen Somalian immigrants on benefits moved into a flat near him, all furnished including new white goods in the kitchen at the council's expense. They should be kept in a hostel, under lock and key, while their prompt return to Somalia is arranged.


I bet they were given a new car as well, and an iphone.

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Unless you think they were all born here no.


So you are confusing them retep, since not all immigrants are non white (see cleanup's post above), and not all non whites are immigrants.


The part of my post you highlighted referred only to 'immigrants' not non whites which the data in the link you posted refers to.


Ironically the data in the link confirms that the overwhelming majority of non whites are in employment, around 12% are unemployed amongst all non white ethnic groups'.

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There are plenty of cases like this.


A friend of mine (who lives admittedly in a less than desireable area) has seen Somalian immigrants on benefits moved into a flat near him, all furnished including new white goods in the kitchen at the council's expense.


How is your 'friend' so well informed on the personal circumstances of people who live in their area?

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It's a fact that mass immigration has reduced the standard of living of Brits. If anyone says anything against it they are labelled a racist and have statistics thrown at them. In simple terms, you can show me all the statistics you like but you watch crime watch and the majority of crimes are foreigners and the majority of wanted are foreigners too. Statistics are twisted to suit the government.

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