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Asylum seekers given amnesty

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You seem to be struggling all of a sudden.

I do understand my own posts which have all been on the same subject.

You seem not to be able to do that.


I will ask you again if an asylum seeker is caught in France should he or she then be liable to seek asylum in that country under present rules.
Yes, and they do. More of them than in the UK as well. Facts and numbers in linkies, as usual (they are blue and underlined, you just click on them).

If they are caught trying to get into England again is it not fair to assume the rules have not been implemented by the French authorities??
No, it simply means they have been released at some stage under a relevant legal or procedural EU or French provision. Or that they escaped, which also happens. If that happens at all, of course, as I'm still waiting by the way ;)


Nice of you to finally admit that your posts are based on assumptions.

Good job I didn't hold my breath on that evidence, eh?

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Which rules are these alex?


I think it is something to do with the dublin convention, on January 22nd this year it was suggested altering the rules because of the terrible conditions some asylum seekers were kept in in Greece, the rule where the first safe country they entered in Europe was Greece and Belgium sent them back there, because of this Germany has stopped returning asylum seekers to Greece until assurances on better treatment are given.

Greece has a massive problem because it is the first European country most asylum seekers coming through Turkey land in.

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Yes, and they do. More of them than in the UK as well. Facts and numbers in linkies, as usual (they are blue and underlined, you just click on them).

No, it simply means they have been released at some stage under a relevant legal or procedural EU or French provision. Or that they escaped, which also happens. If that happens at all, of course, as I'm still waiting by the way ;)


Nice of you to finally admit that your posts are based on assumptions.

Good job I didn't hold my breath on that evidence, eh?


So now agree the French release them to be allowed to do it again and once again you try to twist words.

Nice of you to at least admit the point, I like the escaped excuse by the way, how many escape from the centres in England.:roll::roll::roll::roll:.

France have passed their problem onto us.

You just won't accept that this has happened and cannot put any evidence to prove it has not choose how many links you put.

Not one of your links proves this has not happened.

Rules being written down does not mean they are always followed.

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I think it is something to do with the dublin convention, on January 22nd this year it was suggested altering the rules because of the terrible conditions some asylum seekers were kept in in Greece, the rule where the first safe country they entered in Europe was Greece and Belgium sent them back there, because of this Germany has stopped returning asylum seekers to Greece until assurances on better treatment are given.

Greece has a massive problem because it is the first European country most asylum seekers coming through Turkey land in.


Ok, thanks I'll have a look.

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Part two, how you get there matters.


Thanks for that alex, very informative. It also demonstrates the diffculty that people seeking asylum have in achieving it if they're cavalier about their application.


Following on from your link, I also found this one regarding the 'European responsibility sharing system' and this is an interesting extract from it, which seems to suggest the wealthier member of the EU are not shouldering their fair share of the refugee 'burden', it might also explain why France are reluctant, or not required to process all asylum seekers that turn up at their door:


"Far from promoting inter-state solidarity, a long-standing EU goal, the Dublin system

shifts responsibility for refugee protection toward the newer Member States in Europe’s

southern and eastern regions. In 2005, every border state except Estonia reported more

incoming than outgoing transfers, and of the non-border Member States, only Austria

reported more incoming than outgoing transfers. The Dublin system has a relatively small

net effect on the EU’s wealthier, interior Member States: Germany, for example, saw a

net outflow of thirty-two asylum seekers due to Dublin transfers in 2005. By contrast, the

effect on the often less wealthy ‘border’ Member States can be significant: in 2005,

Dublin transfers increased Hungary’s asylum caseload by nearly 10%, and Poland’s by

nearly 20%. Actually carrying out all agreed transfers would have more than doubled this




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I worked in the home office for over 12 years! I left as i hated my job. I would follow the procedure, refuse a leave to remain application or a work permit, then the applicants solicitor would a appeal and find a grey area in the shocking policy and we would have to approve it! OR if it was a work permit application the company had to prove no other uk resident could do the job! So they would advertise it in some bangladesh or pakistan newspaper and then tell us no one other than this person had replied! No **** sherlock! Working there is TOTALLY different to reading in the paper and looking at statistics. Its a MASSIVE eye opener!!!!! Its awful. This country is sinking fast! I was never racist before starting working there and im not racist now BUT im a lot more negative towards the system and i HATE the state this country is in!

Personally i would let those stay here who are here but then put an electric fence round the UK. Ive had enough of asylum seekers and over stayers!

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So now agree the French release them to be allowed to do it again and once again you try to twist words.<etc><etc>
I'm not twisting words, you're the guy clutching at straws, sorry to break it to you.


You claimed that France and Belgium deliberately allow asylum seekers to try and get to the UK. You have failed to prove this claim with any evidence, which I have repeatedly asked you for.


I have disagreed with your claim and explained why neither France nor Belgium deliberately allow asylum seekers to try and get to the UK, with relevant evidence.


Asylum seekers may get to the UK through France and Belgium (in addition to Spain and German ports, and farther places via e.g. containers), but that is not as a result of a failure to implement rules, or of a deliberate policy. It's simply down to too many trying to get in at any given time, too much money at stake from human trafficking, not enough resources across Europe, and too many self-interested do-gooders running legal interference under EU Human Rights and the like (EDIT: see e.g. iphonelover's post above for what this means).


You have since admitted that your claim was an assumption, which is manifestly wrong. Obviously (from your posts), you appear to have a very black-and-white approach to the immigration issue, and it is anything but a black-and-white issue.


I think that about sums it up. I'll leave you to your Daily Mail, then, that's about the right level of informing and issue analysis for you:thumbsup:

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I worked in tw home office for over 12 years! I left as i hated my job. I would follow procedure, refuse a leave to remain application or a work permit, then the applicants solicitor would a appeal and find a grey area in the shocking policy and we woul have to approve it! OR if it was a work permit application the company had to prove no other uk resident could do the job! So they would advertise it in some bangladesh or pakistan newspaper and then tell us no one other than this person had replied! No **** sherlock! Working there is TOTALLY different to reading in the paper and looking at statistics. Its a MASSIVE eye opener!!!!! Its awful. This country is sinking fast! I was never racist before starting working there and im not racist now BUT im a lot more negative towards the system and i HATE the state this country is in!

Personally i would let those stay here who are here but then put an electric fence round the UK. Ive had enough of asylum seekers and over stayers!



Ace post thanks, your not a racist but a realist. Thank you for that insight.

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I worked in the home office for over 12 years! I left as i hated my job. I would follow the procedure, refuse a leave to remain application or a work permit, then the applicants solicitor would a appeal and find a grey area in the shocking policy and we would have to approve it!
You are aware that asylum appeals are heard by an independent adjudicator, not people with a positive or negative interest in asylum seekers or refugees?

OR if it was a work permit application the company had to prove no other uk resident could do the job! So they would advertise it in some bangladesh or pakistan newspaper and then tell us no one other than this person had replied! No **** sherlock!


How did you know these jobs were only advertised in foreign newspapers?

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