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When did gingerism start?

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I was at school in the 1960's and 70's. The worst thing I was ever called was 'carrot top'. Ginger hair wasn't a thing of shame. Whenever I visit Sheffield I always notice how many more ginger haired people there are compared to down here. As the ginger gene is recessive I wonder if it's dying out thus making ginger haired people more rare and therefore a target for ridiucle.

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I was at school in the 70s and don't ever remember ginger kids being ridiculed. When did it start and why?


Gingers were targetted in the 70's in Nottingham... It's probably due to celts being seen as ginger, and they were the first to feel racism from brits...

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Whenever it started one thing is for sure, it wasn't soon enough.......


:huh:?Do you know, people with ginger hair, suffer awful name calling, and are often singled out and bullied.


My son was born 1981, and when he was starting school, we nicknamed him, ginners, so he wouldn't feel as hurt with name calling.


What ever colour is given before B-----D, is racist, but not to police, only Black B can be named as such.

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In Norman england after Strongbow's (the war lord not the cider) invasion of Ireland - the population were described as primitive and ungodly (christianity was introduced to ireland much earlier than the Saxons took it on in reality)


The Irish were described as red headed, long haired and bearded - which was intended to display their barbarity.



personally, I think red hair and lard white skin is incredibly attractive on a lass.

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