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Thinking of moving to Rotherham!!

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I have worked in the centre of Rotherham for 20yrs and have witnessed a definate decline.


Workers being attacked / abused on their way back to theirs cars at teatime.


A large Roma Gypsy communty..some of these females stealing from the numerous charity shops.(Why do some of these females squat over puddles and wash their hands and face in the rainwater...as witnessed by several colleauges on various occasions??)


Rotherham interchange (the original peasant waggon shed) .....not a nice place to be at any time of the day...certainly not teatime onwards. Troubled by loudmouthes youths of both sexes usually with their kids in tow.


Females being jeered and verbally abused by groups of young foreign males lounging in benches in the town centre during the day.Only in fine weather of course.


Shops having to swill the doorways of premises they share with eastern european buisnises...cause spitting on your doorstep is OK!


Racial attacks and abuse ignored by authorities not wanting to upset the mix..and there is a big mix...


I could go on......


When the council move their staff and offices to the new Sheffield Road building removing the mainstay of dinnertime only shoppers.....let's see what happens to the town centre ... and I do use the word loosely.


Stay on the outskirts and you'll be fine....as for the centre....you can't polish a turd!

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went to the atm last night bottom of wellgate dont usually yse town ones. Got my money turned round and a pretty little blond stood their in front of me although her clothes looked a bit dated, she asked me in broken english if a had a cig while gettting the lady a fag out of my pocket i was looking over my shoulder i gave her the fag, she asked me if i had a room, i said pardon, she repeated have i got a room, i said know and walked to my car thinking **** wish id got some more money in the bank, But the wifes always find out lol

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went to the atm last night bottom of wellgate dont usually yse town ones. Got my money turned round and a pretty little blond stood their in front of me although her clothes looked a bit dated, she asked me in broken english if a had a cig while gettting the lady a fag out of my pocket i was looking over my shoulder i gave her the fag, she asked me if i had a room, i said pardon, she repeated have i got a room, i said know and walked to my car thinking **** wish id got some more money in the bank, But the wifes always find out lol


I thought you broke up from your lass

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