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Thinking of moving to Rotherham!!

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I moved from wickersley to sheffield 6 years ago because of the nightlife and because sheffield was a better choice for a 20something.


However, i wouldn't hesitate to move back to wickersley now that im older once i start a family- its a great place to raise a child and its still close enough to sheffield not to feel out of it.

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However, i wouldn't hesitate to move back to wickersley now that im older once i start a family- its a great place to raise a child and its still close enough to sheffield not to feel out of it.


Just think what it would be like if they had extended the tram from Sheffield all the way up the dual carriageway, Canklow, Whiston, Brecks, Wickersley, Bramley, Hellaby.

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Just think what it would be like if they had extended the tram from Sheffield all the way up the dual carriageway, Canklow, Whiston, Brecks, Wickersley, Bramley, Hellaby.


It would have done wonders for the area from a transport links point of view but make it look horrible, tram tracks are the most ugly unsightful things.


Im glad it never happened!

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Lived most of my life in Rotherham, so if you have any specific questions


TOP AREAS: Whiston, wickersley, breaks, and some parts of kimberworth (not kimberworth park) are all VERY VERY nice areas. But can be pricey.




Rest of kimberworth areas (not kimberworth park)


Thrybergh (not the council house parts)


Broom (used to be a top area but is mainly black people now and looks run down a bit) (but why judge someone on colour? you will find 1 in 5 familys are a different race in any area)

Certain parts of maltby

Catcliffe (lovely new houses at the bottom but prone to flooding)





Kimberworth park (lived here 9, years and i love it, some areas are better than others, but round here everyone is nice, you get the kids on shops, like you would in any area, its a quiet road where i am, id recommend it, and have also got friends from barnsley currently trying to get a house up here which i may add is a well saught after area, and the waiting list is dreadfully long)

East dene (be careful an estate agent doesnt try to sell you a house as clifton)

East wood (lived there once again, its not such a bad area, depending on how you are, i loved my little house, and had to move when i gave birth to my third child, as it was only a 2 bed)

East herringthorpe


Rawmarsh (i was born and bred in rawmarsh, it has it faults like most areas, i always think when moving to a house, its what you make it, if you keep your self to yourself you will be fine)



Those are just from the top of my head, obviously there are lots more areas. If i think of anymore or you have a question about an area let me know. My family and friend live in good, medium and bad areas.


Hope that helps.


All i will say is, have a look round, ask neighbours for there opinions, get a feel for the area, pop into local shop/chippy or even a community center if there is one.

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I moved to Rotherham in 2003, because I could get far more for my money. Can't ever see me moving back to Sheffield now.


The southern bit is quite nice (Whiston, Brecks, Wickersley etc)


I'm with you Whiston, Wickersley are lovely. I am also from Wath so can def recommend that to you (just moved from Whiston back to Wath) Top end of Swinton is also nice, Wentworth is lovely and Harley but a tad expensive.


Let us know what you decide hun and good luck with everything


Missy :)


(I may edit this along the way if I think of other places :) )

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It would have done wonders for the area from a transport links point of view but make it look horrible, tram tracks are the most ugly unsightful things.


Im glad it never happened!


It would have caused years of road works and mess but I think the long term benefits for anyone close to that “corridor” would have been worth it, without the tram places like the crystal peaks area would be backwaters.

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It would have caused years of road works and mess but I think the long term benefits for anyone close to that “corridor” would have been worth it, without the tram places like the crystal peaks area would be backwaters.


But does it need it? thats the big question- some would argue that places like Whiston, Brecks and Wickersley are doing quite well on there own? I would say that most people have cars and the only people likely to use the tram would be they youngsters or the more mature people who are already served by extremely frequent buses to rotherham, sheffield or doncaster?

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All i will say is, have a look round, ask neighbours for there opinions, get a feel for the area, pop into local shop/chippy or even a community center if there is one.


Not sure if you have replied to be in blue or not because its hard to tell. If it is you then it appears you have only been unfortunate and only ever lived in council house areas. If you had lived in the nice areas for a decent period of time you would know how bad eastwood, kimmy park etc is! Out of all the council estates you have mentioned yes i would agree kimmy park is a nicer one BUT being the best of a bad bunch doesnt make it a nice place does it. I would hate to live on a council estate again, ive lived on 2 and its full of people who lives on benefits and dont work, which is highly frustrating for someone who works and and wants better things in life. Not saying all people who live on them dont work, but i found it annoying to go to work for a long day and come home seeing people who disnt work getting drunk ontheir front garden when they should be at work contributing to society.

If the OP wants a list of the best council estate areas i wil gladly do tht, however i doubt they do.

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Rotherham is one of the most souless and depressing places in the world. It's when you've done a bit of travelling over the world that you notice that.

The people are by and large rough, overweight and not very bright.

This statement I'm sure will upset a few people but at the end of the day it's the truth. My girfriend's parents moved there 6 years ago because it was cheaper. Wickersley. Utterly souless- house after house looks the same, cramped and ugly.

Hate the place.

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