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Thinking of moving to Rotherham!!

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Rotherham is one of the most souless and depressing places in the world. It's when you've done a bit of travelling over the world that you notice that.

The people are by and large rough, overweight and not very bright.

This statement I'm sure will upset a few people but at the end of the day it's the truth. My girfriend's parents moved there 6 years ago because it was cheaper. Wickersley. Utterly souless- house after house looks the same, cramped and ugly.

Hate the place.


As a gent who has lived around the country, including 15 year down south, i always find myself returning to my roots, Rotherham, avoid the town centre and you will find some great areas, Moorgate and Greasbrough walking distance from town, Wentworth, Thorpe Hesley, Scholes, all within commuting distance of Sheffield.


"large, rough, over weight and not very bright" !! lol every community has claim to such people. Most folk in Rotherham are decent people as you would find anywhere, north or south!


"HATE THE PLACE"? LOL try Sheffields Pitsmoor, Wybourn, Exeter place ETC,

go compare !

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Cant you get down to Brookhouse and up car hill.


My hubby takes all these scenic routes but I just go on autopilot and go the same way each time. .:loopy: :hihi:I'm also a bit paranoid about scratching my car on overgrown brambles or hedges if someone is coming the other way. It may only be a surface scratch that can be polished out but I don't like my car scratched.

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Not sure if you have replied to be in blue or not because its hard to tell. If it is you then it appears you have only been unfortunate and only ever lived in council house areas. If you had lived in the nice areas for a decent period of time you would know how bad eastwood, kimmy park etc is! Out of all the council estates you have mentioned yes i would agree kimmy park is a nicer one BUT being the best of a bad bunch doesnt make it a nice place does it. I would hate to live on a council estate again, ive lived on 2 and its full of people who lives on benefits and dont work, which is highly frustrating for someone who works and and wants better things in life. Not saying all people who live on them dont work, but i found it annoying to go to work for a long day and come home seeing people who disnt work getting drunk ontheir front garden when they should be at work contributing to society.

If the OP wants a list of the best council estate areas i wil gladly do tht, however i doubt they do.



yes my comments where in blue, apologies for the confusion, yeah maybe i am unfortunate to be in council estate areas, (hate the label to be honest) im a stay at home mum, my husband works all hours he can, but i was simply giving my opinion, as reading this thread a lot of areas where getting bad press, when i don't really think those areas are as bad as people think, when i first got offered my house, i rang the hubby only for him to say "your joking aint ya, rough as hell there, heard about it" but after considering the options, local school, shops close by, great bus route and close to family and friends we moved in, i love this house, and have some great friends too, but im not one of the council estate stereotypes, i guess i read the OP wrong, but hope that where ever he/she moves to in Rotherham, like my hubby, checks out for themselves first before listening to people pull down an area!!!:):rolleyes::)

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