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ConDem controlled Birmingham City Council outsources jobs to India

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The points system doesn't include EU citizens, so it is relevant. I know someone from Latvia she would have preferred to stay and work in Latvia but came here because there are no jobs in Latvia, I wouldn't have had a problem with UK companies or councils creating work for her in Latvia where she would prefer to live.


What on earth has that got to do with this thread??? There ARE British citizens able and willing to do the jobs that are being off-shored.

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What on earth has that got to do with this thread??? There ARE British citizens able and willing to do the jobs that are being off-shored.


How do you know they are British citizens doing the work now they could be EU citizens that just came here for the work? I know several council workers that are not British.


From your post you appear to think jobs paid for by the tax payer shouldn’t be carried out by foreign workers, I am just pointing out that foreign workers already do some of these jobs but have to come to the UK to do them, some would prefer to stay in their home country to do the work.


Originally Posted by wednesday1

Opposing the transfer of jobs overseas is nothing to do with racism, it doesn't matter whether they are going to India or anywhere else, it is the fact that they are jobs funded by the taxpayer and should therefore stay in this country, in my opinion.

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How do you know they are British citizens doing the work now they could be EU citizens that just came here for the work? I know several council workers that are not British.

From your post you appear to think jobs paid for by the tax payer shouldn’t be carried out by foreign workers, I am just pointing out that foreign workers already do some of these jobs but have to come to the UK to do them, some would prefer to stay in their home country to do the work.



Even if they were atleast they're here paying UK taxes and participating in British society.

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Found this article from the Birmingham Mail, it seems that the Lib Dem deputy leader is a board member of Service Birmingham, the council’s joint venture with Capital.:o Clearly more to this story than first meets the eye!



UNIONS and Birmingham City Council bosses are today meeting to discuss the local authority’s controversial plans to outsource IT jobs to India.


The Unite union is demanding the council puts a stop to its Capita-run Service Birmingham company hiring staff abroad and give the jobs to British workers instead. Capita has confirmed that it is currently taking on 17 support staff in its IT and HR departments in India, and could take on another 38 in August.


The union claims the number could rise to 100 by the end of the year. Council opposition Labour leader Sir Albert Bore said the move was about cost-cutting and nothing to do with a local skills shortage.


He said: “Birmingham City Council has a responsibility to protect the potential growth of technology companies within the city. It is not doing so. Offshoring jobs to India undermines the future of Birmingham.


“At no time have the council said what savings are to be made, but it is obvious that is what they intended by this action. I am calling, once again, for greater transparency from the council leaders.”


The council’s deputy leader, Lib Dem Paul Tilsley who is a board member of Service Birmingham, the council’s joint venture with Capita, defended the move saying that Capita has delivered hundreds of jobs for the city.

He said: “We have a contract with Capita which brings jobs to Birmingham. They were to create 520 new jobs by March this year, they created 528 and under this contract are expected to increase this by a further 200 by April 2013.


“The current offshoring proposal involves 17 vacant jobs and a possible 38 jobs which are either vacant or filled by temps.”


He added that the Capita/Service Birmingham contract is delivering millions of pounds of savings and efficiencies, as well as a share of profits to benefit the taxpayer.


“We are conscious of the employment situation in Birmingham, and are doing everything we can to ensure Capita delivers the jobs promised in its contract.”


Meanwhile about 10,000 council workers, members of the Unison trade union, are being balloted for strike action over controversial new contracts imposed on staff.


The union is angry that staff will lose pay as a range of overtime, weekend and shift worker allowances are scrapped.


The ballot closes on June 21 and, if backed, industrial action is likely to take place in early July.




Read More http://www.birminghammail.net/news/birmingham-news/2011/06/03/birmingham-city-council-in-showdown-over-overshoring-jobs-to-india-97319-28811517/#ixzz1OE6n16tX


And what has that got to do with the way that the Lib Dems managed the budget here in Sheffield?

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Even if they were atleast they're here paying UK taxes and participating in British society.


So it’s OK to create work in the UK and invite foreign workers to come and do them, but it’s not OK to create work in foreign countries for them to do. They would need to be in the top 30% of wage earners and in the private sector for their tax contribution to out way the services they receive.

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So it’s OK to create work in the UK and invite foreign workers to come and do them, but it’s not OK to create work in foreign countries for them to do. They would need to be in the top 30% of wage earners and in the private sector for their tax contribution to out way the services they receive.



All your double-speak and bluster does not get us away fro the facts that there are people here in the UK (either British or immigrant) who WANT to keep doing the work. Now the ConDem council wants to off-shore it.

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Found this article from the Birmingham Mail, it seems that the Lib Dem deputy leader is a board member of Service Birmingham, the council’s joint venture with Capital.:o Clearly more to this story than first meets the eye!


What more meets the eye?

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I personally think that it should be totally illegal for any company to be based mainly in one country, and outsource jobs to other countries and pay the workers there less than they would where the company is based.

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