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Do you enjoy living in England?

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Not an option for the couple I know that emigrated to Canada.

Personally holidays are important to me, so it is an important factor.


So you're basing your opinion of an entire continent on one couples

experience ?


I assume the couple you know had no choice and were forced at gun point into the jobs they have now by the American authorities.


I suppose if the other 340 day of the year are so dreadful then you do treasure your holidays, but that's not the case for me, I enjoy my job and "do something" almost every weekend. Last year I only took half my holidays.

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I have to base it on something, the few people that I know who've emigrated is a better thing to base it on than nothing.


They aren't in the USA, they're in Canada, and no, they made the decision of their own free will, I don't know if they'd make it again given the choice though.


It's not that the other days are dreadful, but you've got to respect what the T-shirt says, "I'd rather have a bad day on the mountain, than a good day in the office"


You seem to feel that you need to either belittle the importance I place on work life balance, or convince me that I should change it. Is that because secretly you wish you had more holiday time? Or do you just think that everyone should think you like you?


Last year I only took half my holidays.

I understand that this is quite common in the US, too much fear that someone might get ahead whilst you're not there... Seems like a sad way to live if you ask me. But if you enjoy paying for extra holiday and then not taking it, well, that's up to you, you're not going to convince me that it's a good way to live though.

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I understand that this is quite common in the US, too much fear that someone might get ahead whilst you're not there... Seems like a sad way to live if you ask me.


that's not why I only took half of them, I do enough stuff without needing 2 weeks on a beach in Benidorm every ear.


I partly agree with what you say though, people here are more ambitious than they are in the UK, they want more money and a better house etc. they want to retire really early, the British seem to be content to just plod along without putting any effort in, then moan when they have been on the same pay for 30 years.


Why don't your acquaintances move back to the UK if Canada is so dreadful ?


Of course everyone shouldn't think like me, any more than they should all think like you.


And I'm not belittling you :roll:

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Lol, you've no idea what I do or how I do it, yet you're trying to stereotype me and a rather negative stereotype at all.

If the best you could think of to do with a fortnights holiday is to lay on a beach then maybe you've made the right choice though.


I don't envy you your scrabbling ambition that stops you taking any holiday and enjoying life.


I've explained why I wouldn't move to the US or Canada, the reason is a perfectly valid one no matter what light you try to cast people who enjoy time of work. I haven't tried to make out that you made the wrong decision by sacrificing your life for work, why do you feel the need to try to prove my decision wrong?

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Lol, you've no idea what I do or how I do it, yet you're trying to stereotype me and a rather negative stereotype at all.

If the best you could think of to do with a fortnights holiday is to lay on a beach then maybe you've made the right choice though.


I don't envy you your scrabbling ambition that stops you taking any holiday and enjoying life.


I've explained why I wouldn't move to the US or Canada, the reason is a perfectly valid one no matter what light you try to cast people who enjoy time of work. I haven't tried to make out that you made the wrong decision by sacrificing your life for work, why do you feel the need to try to prove my decision wrong?


I don't see how anyone can base their decision of a country based on experience of one couple. I have family in Canada and none of them would want to come back here except for holiday and they have been there a long time

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I've never regretted moving to the US years ago, but who knows what would have happend if I'd stayed in England, might have been better still, you'd have to live in two places at the same time to tell which would turn out to have the best life

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I don't see how anyone can base their decision of a country based on experience of one couple. I have family in Canada and none of them would want to come back here except for holiday and they have been there a long time


What are you going to come to a decision based on then?

I don't know anyone that lives in Uganda, so by your logic I shouldn't rule it out as somewhere I might want to emigrate to...


I've been to Canada twice, I've been to the US several times, I like them both for holidays. I've spent time with people who live there, I know some American's, I talked to several Canadian friends of the friends who had moved there, I've talked to the friends that emigrated. I work with people from the US, I've worked with Canadians before.

If I consider the idea of emigrating, I have to base my provisional decision on something, what do you recommend I base it on if you're disallowing personal experience???:huh:

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