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12 months into the Tory Government - is Britain more open for business?

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So the honeymoon period is over, and you are beginning to notice the warts and all on your partner - that mole on his/her bottom is beginning to become more noticeable.


SO what do we think of the Conservatives, we have had the retoric, we have listened to the "Labour spent the money" over and over again, but now perhaps the honeymoon period is over.


One of the Conservatives great selling points, would be that Britain would be "open for business/back to work" - 12 months on, is this the case?


What red tape or silly laws that were introduced by New Labour have the Conservatives managed to overturn? have they made it easier for small and meduim business to grow, if so, which red tape has been cut?


WE are seeing the cuts beginning to bite, with the job losses and all the consequences, however I am hoping that businesses will be allowed to grow and create wealth and jobs in the future,


Are the conservatives doing this, or is it the same as New Labour - but with the non jobs being chopped?

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Here lies the real problem for the ConDems. Well for any government really. Its easy to say "well the last lot did this or that..." but you've actually got to deliver. Labour spent umpteen years blaming the tories which is part of the reason they got voted out. The coalition has to start delivering something tangible and realistic, they are on fairly shaky ground as it is. If they don't the public will turn on them.

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Here lies the real problem for the ConDems. Well for any government really. Its easy to say "well the last lot did this or that..." but you've actually got to deliver. Labour spent umpteen years blaming the tories which is part of the reason they got voted out. The coalition has to start delivering something tangible and realistic, they are on fairly shaky ground as it is. If they don't the public will turn on them.





I agree - now is the time to start to deliver.


I am now begining to get doubts - I hope David Cameron can do something

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I agree - now is the time to start to deliver.


I am now begining to get doubts - I hope David Cameron can do something


it took years to get into the mess we are in, why should this government be able to turn that all around in 12 months?


why do you have doubts?

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it took years to get into the mess we are in, why should this government be able to turn that all around in 12 months?


why do you have doubts?




I cannot see any sign that things are turning around for small or meduim sized businesses - that is my concern

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I cannot see any sign that things are turning around for small or meduim sized businesses - that is my concern


isn't the fact we are no longer in recession an indicator things are getting better? i certainly have seen in the two sectors i work in an upturn. but as the government has said, its going to get bad before it gets better.


again why do you think what took years to create should take less then a year to resolve?

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I agree - now is the time to start to deliver.


I am now begining to get doubts - I hope David Cameron can do something


Yes..David Cameron is doing something, digging us into a big hole and heading for a double dip....feel conned anyone..?:suspect::suspect:

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Here lies the real problem for the ConDems. Well for any government really. Its easy to say "well the last lot did this or that..." but you've actually got to deliver. Labour spent umpteen years blaming the tories which is part of the reason they got voted out. The coalition has to start delivering something tangible and realistic, they are on fairly shaky ground as it is. If they don't the public will turn on them.


But this government won't deliver and were/are never likely to, yet people still voted for them.

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Yes..David Cameron is doing something, digging us into a big hole and heading for a double dip....feel conned anyone..?:suspect::suspect:


did you vote conservative last year?


there is no indication the uk is heading for a double dip. dont believe everything told to you by the usual suspects or the labour supporting press. they would love to see the economy go down the toilet so they can score political points. the only indication is the uk is making a very slow recovery and that it is weak.


employment is up, unemployment is down, gdp is up. the only problem we have is inflation, but this controlled (or uncontrolled) by the bank of england which was made independent from government back in 1997.

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But this government won't deliver and were/are never likely to, yet people still voted for them.


why? can you see in to the future? why not talk about the facts rather than what your uninformed opinion or what your politically biased wish list may be.


why talk down the economy, what does it gain?

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