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12 months into the Tory Government - is Britain more open for business?

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I agree - now is the time to start to deliver.


I am now begining to get doubts - I hope David Cameron can do something


I don't believe that Cameron has what it takes to sort the UK out - I never thought that he did, as he was all marketing and rhetoric from the start, but after over a year he has proved me right... I guess things will just get worse until either Labour rebuild and get back in, or the Lib Dems throw the condem gov over and force a new election...

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But this government won't deliver and were/are never likely to, yet people still voted for them.



Please tell, if you had the choice to pick the Government from the present candidates, who would you pick.





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All the Tory's intend to do is line their mates pockets by selling off the profitable bits of the NHS and by contracting out other govt. services. They dont have the interests of the UK at heart, they are ruled by one motive .....money !! They know they will lose the next election, the Lib dems know they are finished as a force as well thanks to 'Old Nick' Clegg doing a pact with the devil himself, Master Cameron.

Its grab what you can then off to some hidey hole to retire. Tony Bliar is already there waiting for them to hand him his cut 'cos he prepared the ground for all this.

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It may sound like a cop-out but I think it's too early to tell. It takes time to rebuild and reconstruct. Germany is likely to be a big economic driver for the next few years at least and think how many years it took them to recover from the costs of re-unification

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again all we see here are people assuming the future. the usual suspects claiming to have some insider knowledge on what the future holds. when in fact they do not, all they want to do is talk down the current government because they do not agree with them, ignoring the fact the country booted out their proffered political party who got the uk into the mess we are in.


i would say the opposite to what you say about who will win the next election nimrod. the coalition has purposely front loaded the cuts so that when it comes to the next election they can show the pain has passed and the country is now back on track. that is obvious and even though its not nice now, any government would do the same.

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I don't believe that Cameron has what it takes to sort the UK out - I never thought that he did, as he was all marketing and rhetoric from the start, but after over a year he has proved me right... I guess things will just get worse until either Labour rebuild and get back in, or the Lib Dems throw the condem gov over and force a new election...



Don't you think Townie Bliar and the Scotts Clown have done enough damage to our Country then. They have managed to almost bankrupt the Nation, and you want them back in, Jaysus give me strength.





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I did asume the Conservatives would improve thing, hence the reason I voted for them.


It appears - this in not the case.


The haven't controled immigration, the have not released the red tape from small businesses, the banks are not lending and as far as I can see are doing nothing to improve things for our young

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Don't you think Townie Bliar and the Scotts Clown have done enough damage to our Country then. They have managed to almost bankrupt the Nation, and you want them back in, Jaysus give me strength.






Perhaps you feel that it's best to jump out of the frying pan, and into the fire? That is of course your choice but it wouldn't be mine... Style over substance kept Blair in, and it may yet keep cameron in, especially if those who perhaps misunderstand politics have the vote... I am not making the assumption that you are not aware of the global financial meltdown that started with sub prime in the USA, but this is what turned the UK over, as it did Ireland, Spain and Greece (who are now virtually bankrupt)... Unhappy days...

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