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12 months into the Tory Government - is Britain more open for business?

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And then the conservatives run the entire economy into the ground again, people can't get the things they want and everyone suffers , unless you're an Eton old boy. Then Labour have to spend heavily to the country back on its feet again.


I never went to Eton but I've never had the slightest problem getting what I needed to build up a successful company.


Then again I know that the foundation of that is hard work, not state handouts.

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And then the conservatives run the entire economy into the ground again


Nonsense. They left power with the nations finances in the black, a surplus.


people can't get the things they want and everyone suffers, unless you're an Eton old boy.




Then Labour have to spend heavily to the country back on its feet again.


Which they spectacularly failed to do, despite starting with a surplus and having more money to spend than any government in living memory.

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the uk was in surplus back in 1997. it was labour that built the debt and restricted the regulation with bullion brown, not only selling our gold reserves at rock bottom prices, he also personally intervened in the creation of the Lloyds Banking Group which was only months later deemed too large to fail and needed £billions of tax payers money to prop up.


No it wasnt, thats made up. We have always been run on a deficit. In the 70's we had a bigger deficit then now.

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I never went to Eton but I've never had the slightest problem getting what I needed to build up a successful company.


Then again I know that the foundation of that is hard work, not state handouts.


Banks are not lending to small Businesses, if you don't know this you don't run a Business and no nothing about it as far as Im concerned.

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So has the new Government done anything to stimulate the economy? I mean really made an effort to get things going rather than just cutting spending, making public servants employed etc?


Because cutting the public sector without doing something positive to create private sector jobs just won't work.


Bearing in mind we still need the tax revenues from employees, whether public or private sector, so just creating mass unemployment won't pay the man.


Where's the creation? Where's the spark? Where are the hundreds of thousands private sector jobs? Where are the construction schemes?

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So has the new Government done anything to stimulate the economy? I mean really made an effort to get things going rather than just cutting spending, making public servants employed etc?


Because cutting the public sector without doing something positive to create private sector jobs just won't work.


Bearing in mind we still need the tax revenues from employees, whether public or private sector, so just creating mass unemployment won't pay the man.


Where's the creation? Where's the spark? Where are the hundreds of thousands private sector jobs? Where are the construction schemes?


Tax revenues from the public sector are irrelevant because they are paid from taxation. It’s cheaper to give them unemployment benefits than it is to employ them, it’s also better for the environment because they wouldn’t have to travel to work. Obviously we need some public sector workers but there are many we don’t need.

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And then the conservatives run the entire economy into the ground again, people can't get the things they want and everyone suffers , unless you're an Eton old boy. Then Labour have to spend heavily to the country back on its feet again.


Ermmmm haven't you got this backwards? It seems to be more the case that the Labour party bankrupt the country then the Conservatives have to put it back on track. Each is reliant on the other to do the things they can't do. Of course if they took a more pragmatic, realistic and long term view of the country rather than an ideological one we wouldn't keep lurching from one extreme to the other and could stay relatively stable.

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Tax revenues from the public sector are irrelevant because they are paid from taxation. It’s cheaper to give them unemployment benefits than it is to employ them, it’s also better for the environment because they wouldn’t have to travel to work. Obviously we need some public sector workers but there are many we don’t need.



Not really. If paying out one pound recoups ten then it isn't irrelevant is it?

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Tax revenues from the public sector are irrelevant because they are paid from taxation. It’s cheaper to give them unemployment benefits than it is to employ them, it’s also better for the environment because they wouldn’t have to travel to work. Obviously we need some public sector workers but there are many we don’t need.



Fine, I'll pay back the wage I took last year if the Govt pays me back the £100K I made for them.

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