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12 months into the Tory Government - is Britain more open for business?

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Banks are not lending to small Businesses, if you don't know this you don't run a Business and no nothing about it as far as Im concerned.


I tend to report on what I know, rather that what I've read. You'll excuse me therefore if I dismiss your expert, well balanced and researched "report" as the rantings of a Walter Mitty fantasist - because it sure isn't anything like the truth.

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Originally Posted by andikay View Post

Tax revenues from the public sector are irrelevant because they are paid from taxation. It’s cheaper to give them unemployment benefits than it is to employ them, it’s also better for the environment because they wouldn’t have to travel to work. Obviously we need some public sector workers but there are many we don’t need.

Fine, I'll pay back the wage I took last year if the Govt pays me back the £100K I made for them.


I don’t know what you could have done to generate £ 100K for the government but if you did you could be one of the workers we need, that I said we need in the post you answered.

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So has the new Government done anything to stimulate the economy? I mean really made an effort to get things going rather than just cutting spending, making public servants employed etc?


Because cutting the public sector without doing something positive to create private sector jobs just won't work.


Bearing in mind we still need the tax revenues from employees, whether public or private sector, so just creating mass unemployment won't pay the man.


Where's the creation? Where's the spark? Where are the hundreds of thousands private sector jobs? Where are the construction schemes?


An example here.


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Ermmmm haven't you got this backwards? It seems to be more the case that the Labour party bankrupt the country then the Conservatives have to put it back on track. Each is reliant on the other to do the things they can't do. Of course if they took a more pragmatic, realistic and long term view of the country rather than an ideological one we wouldn't keep lurching from one extreme to the other and could stay relatively stable.


No, I haven't got it backwards at all

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We renewed our overdraft and line of credit with Natwest about three months ago. Better terms than we had in 2008 by a long way.


There are a lot of putative businesses out there that look good on paper but when examined wouldn't float for more than ten seconds and the banks quite rightly are treating them like they have leprosy. Those with good foundations and/or sensible plans are being scrutinised more rigorous than before which is of course a good thing and don't seem to be having problems getting access to funding.


Well done you, I'm genuinely pleased for you. But I think my point still stands.

You are the exception rather than the rule. I have heard personally from people with viable, longstanding businesses who have been shut down for want of a business loan that wasn't offered except on outrageous terms which any sane person would be mad to accept.

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The clearing banks are not lending to either businesses or individuals, they pay very little interest on deposits and carry on taking circa 5% over BOEBR in respect of mortgages and other loans, other than credit card debts that are circa 20%.


The government must order the banks owned by the tax payer to open for business. They won't stand a chance of being re-elected if they don't do this, we shall have to wait and see. :confused:

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Did you actually make £100K or just collect it from other people who made it?


Doesn't matter. However it was obtained, it was obtained and given to the government.



"apprenticeships and work placements"


Nothing about proper, long term jobs though.


Sounds just like when thatcher introduced YOPS in the early 80s. Way to go. Drag the country, kicking and screaming, back to the bad old 80s. Oh the joy.

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Doesn't matter. However it was obtained, it was obtained and given to the government.



Of course it matters- if you merely administrate people handing over their money after doing their returns you are a clerk not really producing anything. On the other hand if you are chasing down evaded taxes that wouldn't have otherwise have been paid you can argue you are bringing in some money. But either way it's the person paying the taxes who is the income generator not the tax administrator.

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