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Should obese people be allowed on aircraft ?

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Why not just charge by weight? Total weight of the passenger & their luggage.


I agree if your luggage is overweight you have to pay extra, presumably because there isn't much room and the extra weights increases the costs, so why not apply the same rule to the larger person, and of course it would have to be cheaper for the smaller person, children for example.

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Is 17 stone obese or is it just common sense that a person over 17 stone is going to struggle to fit into a plane seat.


American is more forthcoming, but hastens to emphasize that in no way does it require passengers to purchase two seats. Spokesman Tim Wagner does say that passengers whose weight exceeds 250 pounds should know that there are "possible limitations that could result in American not being able to accommodate them." He also states that the airline urges passengers to "recognize ahead of time that they may need to purchase two seats.


He also cites the FAA regulation that all airlines adhere to—if you can't snap the seatbelt (after the extension is added, that is) you can't fly.



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I agree if your luggage is overweight you have to pay extra, presumably because there isn't much room and the extra weights increases the costs, so why not apply the same rule to the larger person, and of course it would have to be cheaper for the smaller person, children for example.


To be honest, paying more for luggage is just a big con, I booked a flight and you get charged £20 per kilo over your 20kilo limit, that's how they make their money..

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To be honest, paying more for luggage is just a big con, I booked a flight and you get charged £20 per kilo over your 20kilo limit, that's how they make their money..


They have the limits and a charge if you go over as an incentive to pack lightly, every one can't take what they want or there wouldn’t be enough space, and if they made every one remove items to get the weight down it would cause too much incontinence.

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Allow them on by all means but charge them for the amount of seats that they occupy. I see no reason why a normal sized person should be inconvenienced by the person in the neighbouring seat spilling their great, big wobbly folds into the area which they have paid for.

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Why not just charge by weight? Total weight of the passenger & their luggage.


Whilst on the face of it this sounds like a good idea there are other considerations which need to be taken into account. One of which is the available space for luggage. If you envisage a situation whereby lower body mass folks can make up their weight allowance with extra luggage then some flights may find themselves in the situation whereby there is not enough space in the hold.

Of course, I say this with absolutely no idea of how space in the hold there is.

Provided this issue can be overcome then I think the fairest way of charging should be...


1) Premium for the seat with some measure in place such that anyone with a girth of sufficient magnitude to require two seats has to pay up for two.

2) Premium for total weight to be conveyed.

3) A limit on volume of luggage.



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I think we must not have discrimination to anyone. We must respect everybody's rights whatever sizes or whoever person is that be. We must love and respect in order to gain their also.

I mostly agree, but there's discrimination and then there's physics, safety and common courtesy.....

Allow them on by all means but charge them for the amount of seats that they occupy. I see no reason why a normal sized person should be inconvenienced by the person in the neighbouring seat spilling their great, big wobbly folds into the area which they have paid for.


This happened to us on a 4hr flight once, we were on a central aisle, my wife to my right and very "large" man on her right. He also had a large wife on his right. His belly was so enormous it hang between his legs so he had his legs apart, he had no space to HIS right due to his wife, so he was sat angled with one leg COMPLETELY across my wife's leg space.


She was very uncomfortable after a while but was too polite to say anything. I waited until she went the toilet and politely asked the gentleman if he had enough space. He looked at me as though he didn't realise people could speak. I politely asked him to move his leg, he continued to give me a blank look. I eventually had to TELL him to shift his leg, just in time for my wife to come back. He obliged with a huff and an unhappy expression on his face.

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They have the limits and a charge if you go over as an incentive to pack lightly, every one can't take what they want or there wouldn’t be enough space, and if they made every one remove items to get the weight down it would cause too much incontinence.


Are you absolutely sure it would cause incontinence? :o

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