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Should obese people be allowed on aircraft ?

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How are you going to enforce this?


Someone 5foot1, weighing 16 stone is clearly going to be very large.

Someone 6foot3, weighing 17 stone is likely to just look normal.


I'm the latter, so if the former was allowed on, but I wasn't, I'd be very upset.


Weight alone isn't a good barometer.


BMI doesn't work either as it doesn't take account of muscle mass. Tom Cruise for example apparently has a BMI of about 32, so would be obese. He's actually just short but well built.


So really it couldn't ever be enforced.


Easy, the passenger gets on the scales with their bags & that determines how much they're charged for the flight.


Could have an aircraft seat next to the check in desk too, if they don't fit they buy two seats & pay an extra penalty for not booking two seats.


Price per seat & price per kilo for each flight.

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Fat people always use the toilet on a plane, and why do fat people always need to have a poo where there in a public area, why not have a plop before your leave the home?


I was on a Easyjet last year, lard boy who was about 13 was in the queue before me, he was in a long time (the queue grew), as he opened the door to leave the toilet, the smell was something that not even Satan himself could create - for his guests in hell.


The lad just sauntered out of the loo as if he had done no wrong. He never apologised, just wandered back to his seat. I held my breath and went in, only to discover he had sprinkled the entire toilet bowl - it was like he had a sprinkler system attached to his bottom.


The sight and smell, from the aftermath of this lad was something to behold. Needless to say, the toilet was unusable, and so we all had to go to the toilet at the back of the plane.


Ulitimatley, not even Satan would use a plane toilet after a fat person has been in

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Easy, the passenger gets on the scales with their bags & that determines how much they're charged for the flight.


Could have an aircraft seat next to the check in desk too, if they don't fit they buy two seats & pay an extra penalty for not booking two seats.


Price per seat & price per kilo for each flight.


Discrimination against height then? Someone 6foot generally will weigh more than someone 5foot. See you in the European court.

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Easy, the passenger gets on the scales with their bags & that determines how much they're charged for the flight.


Could have an aircraft seat next to the check in desk too, if they don't fit they buy two seats & pay an extra penalty for not booking two seats.


Price per seat & price per kilo for each flight.


Only problem with that is that obesity is considered a disability under DDA and you just broke the law with your discrimination.

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Discrimination against height then? Someone 6foot generally will weigh more than someone 5foot. See you in the European court.


No you wont, because i don't run an airline, so I can't possibly discriminate against any type of airline passenger. I wouldn't turn somebody who wanted a website down because they're too fat, because it doesn't matter at all to me, as a website developer. Besides, I'm not aware of any anti-discrimination laws against height, width or weight. Surely lots of other companies would be in trouble if that was the case (theme parks, bungee jump organisers, model agencies, etc).


Anyway, they could just carry fewer bags, it's the combined weight of them & their luggage. It's not discriminating, just making them pay a fair price for the service. They might have a case for discrimination if they were banned from aircraft because of their 'disability', as the op wanted.


Weight is weight & it costs more to fly heavier things. It's discriminating against lighter passengers at the moment, who pay the same to subsidise larger & heavier passengers.

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Yes, it's all extra weight & bulk, why should it make any difference on a plane?

To give an economic argument; it makes more sense to fly a plane full of people even if some are overweight, than to fly a plane with empty seats. That is why it makes a difference. It isn't as easy as saying "if you weigh more you pay more".


Secondly the moral argument, because being muscly isn't "amoral", which I presume is the attack on obese people flying. It is unfair to charge a person more because they choose to go to the gym. That is without factoring in that some people are heavier without choosing to be so.

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