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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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Does anybody on this thread think that the BNP will still be around by the end of the year? Every indicator shows them going into a massive slump and they are incredibly divided.


I hoped for that a few years ago when Nick Griffin was organising the burglary of that pregnant Councillor's home Sadie something?


I know this year has been spectacular what what with Mark Collett making death threats on Nick Griffin... and more recently the Dowson and Loyalists doing what they can to get their money back from what looks like a bankrupt party...


but I don't like counting chickens..... they may be broken but I have hoped before.

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I hoped for that a few years ago when Nick Griffin was organising the burglary of that pregnant Councillor's home Sadie something?


I know this year has been spectacular what what with Mark Collett making death threats on Nick Griffin... and more recently the Dowson and Loyalists doing what they can to get their money back from what looks like a bankrupt party...


but I don't like counting chickens..... they may be broken but I hope before.


Really? What he up to now?

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I haven't seen that before, could you post a link for it please I would be interest in reading it.


I'm afraid you can't post links here to political parties, but this is an extract from their 'economics policy' on their website:


"We further believe that British industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong in the final analysis to the British nation and people.


To that end the BNP will restore our economy and land to British ownership and will take active steps to break up the socially, economically and politically damaging monopolies now being established by the supermarket giants."


As I said before, I'd be interested to see if they've thought this through and how they intend to do it.

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Can you really not see a difference between an immigration policy perhaps being racist and someone for example scrawling "**** go home" in excrement on their car? or the industrialised extermination of the Jews by the Nazis.


Of course, there are different degrees to racism.


Is that like there are different degrees of rape, why is it OK to condone one form a racism but not another. I agree some members of the BNP are racist as are some members of the labour party and probably some members of the other parties.

BNP immigration policy treats all races the same so is not racist, currant immigration policy discriminates based on race so is racist.

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Simon Darby would be a better leader. He's better than Griffin. But who wouldn't be, he comes across as a bit of a loon. The BNP have blown any chance they had of gaining any seats in Westminster. If they'd have used their brains a bit more they could have become more mainstream and perhaps picked up supporters of the EDL and UKIP. Only a major event like a terrorist strike would revive their popularity now. That may happen, who knows.


Lets be honest we complain about the mainstream politicians but imagine if they got a number of seats. They couldn't organise a heavy drinking session in a brewery.

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I'm afraid you can't post links here to political parties, but this is an extract from their 'economics policy' on their website:


"We further believe that British industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong in the final analysis to the British nation and people.


To that end the BNP will restore our economy and land to British ownership and will take active steps to break up the socially, economically and politically damaging monopolies now being established by the supermarket giants."


As I said before, I'd be interested to see if they've thought this through and how they intend to do it.


Thanks I hadn't noticed that before.

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I haven't seen that before, could you post a link for it please I would be interest in reading it.


Have you seen the clip of Nick Griffin telling the KKK that ultimately they would like to be in a position to say "every last one of them must go"?


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Is that like there are different degrees of rape, why is it OK to condone one form a racism but not another. I agree some members of the BNP are racist as are some members of the labour party and probably some members of the other parties.

BNP immigration policy treats all races the same so is not racist, currant immigration policy discriminates based on race so is racist.


Errm.... no because Rape is a legal term for a specific crime.


Racism is a prejudiced belief system.


We can all be guilty of racism... most of us however take a deep breath, check and rationalise before opening our mouths or using it to inform our opinions.


Also it is not that some members of the BNP are racist.... racism is their identifying feature. When their spokesperson phones in to the radio they don't talk about Peak Oil or about economics.... no they blame everything on "ethnics"


http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/p00gwmv6 (2 hrs 30 mins in)

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Have you seen the clip of Nick Griffin telling the KKK that ultimately they would like to be in a position to say "every last one of them must go"?



Yes I’ve also seen him deny the holocaust and I’ve seen him accept the holocaust did happen; you don't need to convince me that he’s an xxxxxxx

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