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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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Errm.... no because Rape is a legal term for a specific crime.


Racism is a prejudiced belief system.


We can all be guilty of racism... most of us however take a deep breath, check and rationalise before opening our mouths or using it to inform our opinions.


Also it is not that some members of the BNP are racist.... racism is their identifying feature. When their spokesperson phones in to the radio they don't talk about Peak Oil or about economics.... no they blame everything on "ethnics"


http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/p00gwmv6 (2 hrs 30 mins in)


We are talking about a political party that is claimed to be racist, and I agree some of its members are but its immigration policy treats all races the same so is not racist, and currant immigration policy discriminates based on race so is racist.

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We are talking about a political party that is claimed to be racist, and I agree some of its members are but its immigration policy treats all races the same so is not racist, and currant immigration policy discriminates based on race so is racist.


What about its repatriation policy?

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What about it's repatriation policy?


How is it racist to ask every in the country if they would like to return their country of origin and if they accept get some kind of financial reward.

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How is it racist to ask every in the country if they would like to return their country of origin and if they accept get some kind of financial reward.


Well it would be racist if they forced people to leave, would you agree?

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Well it would be racist if they forced people to leave, would you agree?


If they forced every person in this country to return to their country of origin, which they are not planning on doing, they would be treating everyone the same, there is no discrimination based on race so it is not racist. If they just forced the American to leave then it would be racist because that would be discrimination based on race.

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If they forced every person in this country to return to their country of origin, which they are not planning on doing, they would be treating everyone the same, there is no discrimination based on race so it is not racist. If they just forced the American to leave then it would be racist because that would be discrimination based on race.


Well in their constitution (under section 3.2.3) they're committed to restoring the ethnic landscape to a white one, and intend to do it by 'consent, negotiation' (your point), and then rather ominously they use the term 'and legal changes', which basically means if the darkies dont agree to go, the law will change to facilitate their removal.


Ps: incidentally, they make no distinction between British non whites and those who weren't born here.

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I just don't get why so many people are hung up on skin colour. Why does it matter to the BNP what colour one's skin is? I know two families personally where the grandchildren look like mine (white), but who have at least one black grandparent. All the grandparents were born here, (even the black ones) so where would they go? And would their white spouses go with them, or would the BNP prefer to break up families? More and more children are being born to parents with different nationalities and ethnicities. Just like Blue Mink said would happen all those years ago. :D


That party will never become electable.

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Well in their constitution (under section 3.2.3) they're committed to restoring the ethnic landscape to a white one, and intend to do it by 'consent, negotiation' (your point), and then rather ominously they use the term 'and legal changes', which basically means if the darkies dont agree to go, the law will change to facilitate their removal.


Ps: incidentally, they make no distinction between British non whites and those who weren't born here.


I just tried to download their constitution but I need a password so I can’t check it, but this is from their immigration policy. It implies that no one as to leave and that immigration will still be allowed.



Offer generous grants to those of foreign descent resident here who wish to leave permanently;

Stop all new immigration except for exceptional cases;


- Reject all asylum seekers who passed safe countries on their way to Britain.


We accept that Britain always will have ethnic minorities and have no problem with this as long as they remain minorities and do not change nor seek to change the fundamental culture and identity of the indigenous peoples of the British Isles.

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Just found this it reads differently to the one you posted.


Section 3.2.3 reads as follows:


We are pledged to stemming and reversing the immigration into our British Homeland that has, without the express consent of the Indigenous British, taken place since 1948, and to restoring and maintaining, by legal changes, negotiation and consent, the Indigenous British as the overwhelming majority in the make-up of the population and expression of culture in each part of our British Homeland.

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Just found this it reads differently to the one you posted.


I'd rather defer to the constitution they had before they were compelled to change it by the courts, I believe the earlier edition is the one which properly represents their view.


But nonetheless, they still say they will implement 'legal changes' to facilitate the changes they want to achieve, whether non whites consent to it or not.

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