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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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EU citizens don't have to go through the points system so we are treating one race differently than another so is discrimination based on race and is therefore racist. BNP policy treats them all the same so is not racist.


EU people are not pf any particular race.


BNP policy is to get rid of the darkies.... there is a big difference and to be frank you have to be pretty stupid not to see that difference.

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I think you're playing semantics andikay, the BNP champion the position of white, British people over everyone else, so by default they're discriminating against people who don't fit that model-whether you describe it as racist or not it's an evil policy.


There just about one of the only organisations that do stand up for the white British in a sea of pro-ethnic minority groups. please don't bore with arguments about them being a political party etc etc, they have every right to exist and if you think everyone is a bit racist then why can't they be?

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But Boyfriday has proclaimed that everyone is a bit racist so what's the problem?
Just because I said it, doesn't make it right or a plan for life, after all you disagree with most of what I say.
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Well when we are told by your colleague that everyone is a bit racist and you choose not to acknowledge that part of my post, is it any wonder that you find it extraordinary that people are getting fed up with your continual rants?


Because it is a trite point and I have already responded to it. Everyone is a little racist the difference is we don't all act on it. Most people take a deep breath reflect and contrast their prejudice with facts rationalise it and suppress their instinctive racism.


As for ranting..... lol how do you think you and the other people that devote their time trying to persuade us the BNP are nice and fluffy whilst all the evidence is of them coming from a tradition of Naziism and of them continuing that tradition whilst trying to present a slightly more respectable image.

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There just about one of the only organisations that do stand up for the white British in a sea of pro-ethnic minority groups. please don't bore with arguments about them being a political party etc etc, they have every right to exist and if you think everyone is a bit racist then why can't they be?


..you're off paraphrasing and inventing things I've never said Streamline-I've consistently supported the BNP's right to exist and speak (do a search, I've said it often enough on here), the fact I don't like what they stand for isn't at odds with my position.

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I think you're playing semantics andikay, the BNP champion the position of white, British people over everyone else, so by default they're discriminating against people who don't fit that model-whether you describe it as racist or not it's an evil policy.


Incidentally, stop focussing on the 'incentive', it isn't a benevolent act, most of the non whites and non British residents here would refuse the offer, Britain is their home-so the BNP would revert to Plan A, which would be forced repatriation-remember the reference to 'legal changes' in their constitution.


There are many foreign workers that arrive here on a false promise of work, I think you have already said something to that affect in another thread, many of these workers probably spent everything they had to get here and can't afford to leave, so I am sure some would take up the offer to return to the home country.

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Because it is a trite point and I have already responded to it. Everyone is a little racist the difference is we don't all act on it. Most people take a deep breath reflect and contrast their prejudice with facts rationalise it and suppress their instinctive racism.



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EU people are not pf any particular race.


BNP policy is to get rid of the darkies.... there is a big difference and to be frank you have to be pretty stupid not to see that difference.


But you seem to forgot that parties similar to the BNP are also becoming more dominant in the EU, so therefore those countries obviously don't agree with you.

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There are many foreign workers that arrive here on a false promise of work, I think you have already said something to that affect in another thread, many of these workers probably spent everything they had to get here and can't afford to leave, so I am sure some would take up the offer to return to the home country.


The fact is in the final analysis it wouldn't be a matter of their choice-take the money or you'll be leaving whilst staring down the barrel of a gun-that's the issue!

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There just about one of the only organisations that do stand up for the white British in a sea of pro-ethnic minority groups. please don't bore with arguments about them being a political party etc etc, they have every right to exist and if you think everyone is a bit racist then why can't they be?


They have every right to exist just as all those who object to the view that people should be treated differently because of the colour of their skin or their race have a right to express the view that the basis for the BNP's policies disgusts them.


They do however provide amusement it is hard to think of anything funnier than the people running the BNP claiming racial superiority when they all come across as ignorant loonies.

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