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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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But you seem to forgot that parties similar to the BNP are also becoming more dominant in the EU, so therefore those countries obviously don't agree with you.


:huh: That has no relationship at all with what I was saying.

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EU people are not pf any particular race.


BNP policy is to get rid of the darkies.... there is a big difference and to be frank you have to be pretty stupid not to see that difference.


So you are saying that offering a job to a European and allowing them to live here and telling an Asian they can’t have the job or live here because they are not European isn’t discrimination or racist.


No it isn't I would be happy to concede if you can show me a BNP policy that says that black people have to leave the country.

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No it isn't I would be happy to concede if you can show me a BNP policy that says that black people have to leave the country.


I've shown you already, it's in the unsanitised version of their constitution.

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The fact is in the final analysis it wouldn't be a matter of their choice-take the money or you'll be leaving whilst staring down the barrel of a gun-that's the issue!


Inventing a scenario doesn't change the fact that their policies are not racist.


You just don't like their policies so you call them racist.

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Because it is a trite point and I have already responded to it. Everyone is a little racist the difference is we don't all act on it. Most people take a deep breath reflect and contrast their prejudice with facts rationalise it and suppress their instinctive racism.


As for ranting..... lol how do you think you and the other people that devote their time trying to persuade us the BNP are nice and fluffy whilst all the evidence is of them coming from a tradition of Naziism and of them continuing that tradition whilst trying to present a slightly more respectable image.


First point I don't devote much of my time but I'm pretty certain you suffer from OCD in comparison and it gets very boring with you continually exagerating. if we were to compare notes I will quite happily claim, at least now concerns about immigration is a main consideration for politicians whereas prior to this it was a taboo subject. That was achieved by the BNP and the people who support them.


What have you got to show? Well it seems to me nothing and your still ranting and raving about the same tired old subjects when the BNP have clearly evolved.


So racism is a natural instinct that you would prefer to be suppressed, interesting.

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Inventing a scenario doesn't change the fact that their policies are not racist.


You just don't like their policies so you call them racist.


Bangs head against brick wall.... sending the darkies home is clearly racist.


Meeting up with and forming alliances internationally with racists... is racist:







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I've shown you already, it's in the unsanitised version of their constitution.


It isn't in their constitution now and still doesn't alter the fact that other parties discriminated based on race, so are racist.

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Inventing a scenario doesn't change the fact that their policies are not racist.


You just don't like their policies so you call them racist.


Eh? Unlike some I don't hyper ventilate at the mere mention of the term 'racist'-there are worse ways to describe people.


I think any rational thinker would believe if you have an organisation that seeks to discriminate against people who are not like them, to the point of getting rid of people who have as much right to be here as they do, then that organisation is made up of *****, there, that's a much better way to describe them.

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First point I don't devote much of my time but I'm pretty certain you suffer from OCD in comparison and it gets very boring with you continually exagerating. if we were to compare notes I will quite happily claim, at least now concerns about immigration is a main consideration for politicians whereas prior to this it was a taboo subject. That was achieved by the BNP and the people who support them.


What have you got to show? Well it seems to me nothing and your still ranting and raving about the same tired old subjects when the BNP have clearly evolved.


Ad hominems, lies and nonsense don't make for an articulate point.


Immigration and concerns about it has been in the media, tabloids etc as a discussion point for the last 50 years at least. In the last Labour Govt there were large changes to immigration policy almost annually.


The BNP's only contribution to that debate has been to undermine arguments against immigration by associating those arguments with racist loonies.


So racism is a natural instinct that you would prefer to be suppressed, interesting.


I am interested to know why a statement of the obvious is something you find interesting.

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