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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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We do as it happens.


All (with a couple of very rare exceptions) legal proceedings in the UK are conducted in public and all results are a matter of public record.


As far as violent crime is concerned, the BNP has way more convictions than any other party after taking into account it's miniscule size!


John X


Come on then John x lets see some data. Without it, its just a claim and not a fact...

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Says the man who keeps on posting the same internet link day in day out.



And I will do as long as your pals keep posting the same old tired nonesense about not only the BNP but members of the BNP and those that have only the slightest connection with them.



And here is it again for people not so up on your pathetic tactics to judge for themselves:-



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And I will do as long as your pals keep posting the same old tired nonesense about not only the BNP but members of the BNP and those that have only the slightest connection with them.



And here is it again for people not so up on your pathetic tactics to judge for themselves:-




They aren't my pals, I don't know them, I was just commenting on your hypocrisy.


Also, the whole same link all the time thing comes across as rather pathetic, and certainly boring.


Out of interest, why doesn't that website have any BNP members on it?

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Release your figures on other political parties who have convictions amongst it's ordinary members and also prove to me that despite the crap you throw at this party they are any more violent.


Release my figures?


What do you think I am? The National Office of Statistics?


Look at the history of English facism from Moseley's blackshirts, through Tyndall's National Front to the BNP. All formed by middle/upper class individuals, often supported by members of the aristocracy and the business community. They were supported by 'foot-soldiers', disillusioned young men drawn from the unemployed and 'lumpen proletariat' and in the process attracted unstable individuals with their own peculiar personal agendas.


While Labour Party activists are busy in their trade unions, Lib Dem activists are busy in the their student bodies and Conservative activists are busy in their local Chambers of Commerce or masonic lodges, BNP activists like the British Movement and National Front before them, are busily engaged in football hooliganism, '****-bashing', 'queer-bashing', and shoving **** through the letter-boxes of Asian shopkeepers.


So is it any wonder that BNP members have been charged and convicted with a lot more violent offences than members of other parties?


And can someone remind me of the last time a Labour Party member was convicted of conspiracy to cause explosions, or any firearms offences including making nail bombs for the forthcoming 'race war'.


John X

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They aren't my pals, I don't know them, I was just commenting on your hypocrisy.


Also, the whole same link all the time thing comes across as rather pathetic, and certainly boring.


Out of interest, why doesn't that website have any BNP members on it?


Simply because the site is a response to people like you who fail and continue to fail in acknowledging criminatlity in any other political party except the BNP.


If you want to really know what looks pathetic, immature and boring then it's never going to be people like you who completey ignore wrongdoing except when it involves the BNP is it?

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Release my figures?


What do you think I am? The National Office of Statistics?


Look at the history of English facism from Moseley's blackshirts, through Tyndall's National Front to the BNP. All formed by middle/upper class individuals, often supported by members of the aristocracy and the business community. They were supported by 'foot-soldiers', disillusioned young men drawn from the unemployed and 'lumpen proletariat' and in the process attracted unstable individuals with their own peculiar personal agendas.


While Labour Party activists are busy in their trade unions, Lib Dem activists are busy in the their student bodies and Conservative activists are busy in their local Chambers of Commerce or masonic lodges, BNP activists like the British Movement and National Front before them, are busily engaged in football hooliganism, '****-bashing', 'queer-bashing', and shoving **** through the letter-boxes of Asian shopkeepers.


So is it any wonder that BNP members have been charged and convicted with a lot more violent offences than members of other parties?


And can someone remind me of the last time a Labour Party member was convicted of conspiracy to cause explosions, or any firearms offences including making nail bombs for the forthcoming 'race war'.


John X


Can you provide any figures on the last time any ordinary member of the labour party was convicted of any crime?


I guess you'd have to go back to the 1920s when the party was first formed or how about the Suffragettes, or the IRA? What about Mandela?


How the question what constitutes a terrorist as opposed to a freedom fighter?

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Can you provide any figures on the last time any ordinary member of the labour party was convicted of any crime?




how about the Suffragettes, or the IRA? What about Mandela?


Sorry, you've lost me. Were they Labour Party members?


John X

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