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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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In answer to the question posed by the thread title, 'When Will The BNP Become More Electable?', the reply must be when the majority of the BNP's members and supporters have joined the English Democrats party, thus building an English BNP.


The English Democrats - a mainstream yet patriotic political party - have the potential to make a huge difference to the political landscape of this country. They are the party best placed to help us win back our nation as a whole.

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You're talking garbage again as you usually do when flustered - but I'll humour you - what the hell has nimbyism got to do with the picture as you see it?


It looks like he thinks that everybody else thinks like he does, but they haven't got the bottle say so.

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I was responding to a deeply inaccurate statement that was directed at me.


It is I who must correct YOU!


This was the deeply inaccurate statement that needed the correction.....


The BBC are a public organisation, funded from a licence fee..




John X

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It does not have to reflect the views of anyone. If anything immigration is over-represented as an issue on the BBC.


John X


Of course it does you plonker its part of their charter and the fact that they are failing to do this is the reason there are people refusing to pay the licence.


Please tell us how immigration is over represented and why you think that is the case?

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The BNP is dead, electorally.


The English Democrats are a new rising force, and cannot be accused of 'racism'.


For the English Democrats take a hard line on anyone suggesting that the party is 'racist' and will seek legal remedy for anyone slandering the party in this way.


why is it that you put 'racist' and 'racism' in inverted commas?

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Of course it does you plonker its part of their charter and the fact that they are failing to do this is the reason there are people refusing to pay the licence.


Please tell us how immigration is over represented and why you think that is the case?


Perhaps the fact it has been a major topic for discussion on the BBC, tabloids etc for as long as I can remember. Often allowing Andrew Green to make points unchallenged despite the contentiousness and flaws exposed in his methodology.




If anything the BBC's bias, whilst less so than Commercial media, is populist... and has failed in presenting a proper reflection of informed debate.

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Of course it does you plonker its part of their charter


The fact that you and iINTERVIEWER say that it is, does not make it true. :D


Some studies say that as much as 7% of the population have an 'active' interest in paedophilia. Are you really saying that the BBC should make 'pro-paedophilia programmes' to reflect these views? After all, that is almost double the usual BNP vote.


Please tell us how immigration is over represented and why you think that is the case?


There seems to be an awful lot of programmes, documentaries, phone-ins and discussions about immigration on all channels, not just the BBC. I think the reason for this is simply that it is the moment's 'trendy' subject as well as mainstream politicians jumping on the 'immigration bandwagon', providing no end of rent-a-quotes and interview subjects. The media's obsession with 'home grown' Islamic terrorism also feeds into this discussion.


John X

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And one of the few taxes most people play with pleasure.


That I seriously dispute.


In my experience, most people pay there BBC TV Licence fee out of fear. Not out of respect for the BBC. Or because they genuinely believe that BBC content is well worth the fee.


No. Plain old fear of the fascist style knock at the door...


Demanding money with menaces... Or else...

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