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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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The BNP are a vile bunch of cretins with even more vile, puke inducing policies based on hatred and fear.

I think a very popular move would be their mass suicide.

There's far worse than them knocking about.far far worse

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Neither left nor right -what nonsense is this?


Not nonsense. A statement that the English Democrats are more concerned about democracy for all English people than strictly adhering to establishment labels of what is left-wing and what is right-wing. We take our policies from a broad political spectrum.


The English Democrats are a far-right party populated with the dregs of the British far right. How many ex-socialists are members?


and just ENGLISH should read just WHITE ENGLISH. I assume you have now left the BNP and joined the English Democrats. Maybe you could tell us how many non-white members the party has? The website doesn't exactly make very welcoming reading for anyone of non-white origin, no matter how long they've lived here.


John X


Why do you want to know how many non-white members a political party has? Are you a racist? You only seem to be concerned about the colour of a person's skin, and not the content of their character.


Why doesn't the website make welcoming reading for anyone of non-white origin? The website, and the party, are for those who are proud to be English.

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TV Licence is only a payable if you own equpiment that can pick TV stations up - if you don't you are fine and don't have to pay a bean :)


Tell that to the BBC TV Licensing goon squad who use threats, intimidation and home visits in an attempt to bully non BBC customers into paying for something that legally they don't have to.

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It is something that was said on a Panorama programme a while back. The point I was making was that active paedophiles probably outnumber BNP supporters, but you would not expect the BBC to make 'pro-paedophile' programmes because of an obligation to reflect everyone's views, under their charter.


John X


The BBC, under it's Royal Charter, is not obligated to reflect the sexual preferences of TV licence fee payers. Nor reflect their favourite food, exercise or colour of slipper.


The BBC is obligated to reflect the political beliefs of licence fee payers. Which includes opposition to UK membership of the EU and mass immigration.

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than strictly adhering to establishment labels of what is left-wing and what is right-wing.


Left and right wing are not defined by the establishment, but by study of political science. Even a cursory knowledge of politics puts the English Democrats firmly on the right. Do you deny that it draws its supporters and activists from the political right, including a number of disaffected neo-nazis?


Why do you want to know how many non-white members a political party has? Are you a racist?


I want to know, because the English Democrats are selling themselves as a kind of BNP lite, without the racism. I think it is of interest if the make-up of the ED is the same as that of the BNP ie. pretty much exclusively white.


Why doesn't the website make welcoming reading for anyone of non-white origin?


Because the whole tenor of the website is "things were much better before we had immigration, race relations legislation and interference from the EU"


John X

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