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When Will The BNP Become More Electable?

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I wonder how they feel being told immigration is a good thing by people like you and yet still see prices rise.


You cant have it both ways, either immigrants provide cheap labour or they don't. Using your logic, if they weren't here the prices would be even higher don't you think?

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Immigrants or no immigrants' date=' many companies in Britain will always pay only the basic minimum wage.[/quote']


exactly, thankyou, finally somebody with sense, i have been saying for ages OUR company has paid crap wages.........minimum wage since the factory opened in 1974, and has ever barely employed immigrants


its a phallacy.........as usual


Of course they do and they can get away with it when there is a bigger population.
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Immigrants or no immigrants' date=' many companies in Britain will always pay only the basic minimum wage.[/quote']


There is also very little evidence that immigration has suppressed wages.


The TUC who specialise in looking for that sort of thing made a blanced assessment of the evidence in their report on migration.


4.6 British studies are less divided, and find little evidence of a negative impact.

The US debate has taken place against the backdrop of a low minimum wage

that has been declining in value;38 this is very likely to have exacerbated any adverse impact of migration on low paid workers. British economic studies of migration are a more recent phenomenon than in America - the first UK report to consider this issue in detail was published by the Home Office as recently as 2003 – and have all taken place after the minimum wage was well-established; this may well explain why it is so much harder to find evidence of a negative impact. Using data from the census, the Labour Force Survey and the New Earnings Survey, the authors of the first large study found that:

“The main result of the empirical analysis is that there is no strong evidence of large adverse effects of immigration on employment or wages of existing

workers. ... Insofar as there is evidence of any effect on wages, it suggests that immigration enhances wage growth.”39





Because of the minimum wage there is little if any detrimental effect... where there might be a detrimental impact on wages is in the section of the economy where illegal immigrants work, where increasing numbers of illegal immigrants might depress the wages of existing illegal immigrants.

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oh do shut up for God's sake, Enoch Powell is not my messiah and thanks for reitterating what everyone knows.
So if everyone knows what are we arguing about then?

Immigrants do work for less money and keep wages low that is the bottom line.

Not in the NHS they dont.

In contrast I'm pretty certain my ancestors emptied their own bedpans or their family did if they were unable.

So they were never patients in an NHS hospital?

So who did your ancestors get to wipe their asses then Boyfriday?

Sorry silly question you don't know.. but I guess it was some tribe from the next village you had enslaved.

Oh yes, I often put the voodoo on the residents of Broomhill.


Ps: do you have a view on the link Wildcat posted earlier about the parlous public performance of a local BNP activist?

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You cant have it both ways, either immigrants provide cheap labour or they don't. Using your logic, if they weren't here the prices would be even higher don't you think?



That is your conclusion, your the own trying to tell us that immigration keep prices down when it does nothing of the sort. What is actually does is keep wages low, creates a surplus workforce and allows in this case "supermarkets" to charge what they freaking like..

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That is your conclusion, your the own trying to tell us that immigration keep prices down when it does nothing of the sort. What is actually does is keep wages low, creates a surplus workforce and allows in this case "supermarkets" to charge what they freaking like..


What evidence do you have for this?


In contrast I can provide references to studies that will show what BoyFriday has said corresponds with the evidence.


It might also be worth trying to bring this back on topic.... what has this to do with the racism so prevalent in the BNP? how even if what you say is true does it justify someone voting for the sort of person that blames everything going wrong with the country on ethnics and that thinks most of them don't speak english?

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So if everyone knows what are we arguing about then?


Read the rest of the post


Not in the NHS they dont.


Wages would have been kept low or are you now saying due to immigration wages in the NHS have gone up in real terms?



So they were never patients in an NHS hospital?


Of course they were, you only have statistics to work with remember.


Oh yes, I often put the voodoo on the residents of Broomhill.


Did they practise voodoo in Africa? Sorry silly question, you don't know do you..



Ps: do you have a view on the link Wildcat posted earlier about the parlous public performance of a local BNP activist?


I don't bother following Tamepussy's links. I stopped taking him seriously when he got in a tither about the holocaust couldn't have happened because planning permission for the gas chambers was never granted.

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Again i stopped listening when the biggotry started:loopy:


During a discusion with a BNP supporter once, I said - no immigration, no Freddie Mercury! I was only being flippant, but he replied, in all seriousness, "who care about that foreign arse bandit".


Sometimes I think these BNP types are mentally ill.

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During a discusion with a BNP supporter once, I said - no immigration, no Freddie Mercury! I was only being flippant, but he replied, in all seriousness, "who care about that foreign arse bandit".


Sometimes I think these BNP types are mentally ill.




Regrettably that, more often than not, seems to be the case!

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That is your conclusion, your the own trying to tell us that immigration keep prices down when it does nothing of the sort. What is actually does is keep wages low, creates a surplus workforce and allows in this case "supermarkets" to charge what they freaking like..


Labour costs are part of the costs of production, which are passed on to the consumer. If we were in a position to create domestically everything we consume, then your argument might have some credibility, but we dont, we cant insulate ourselves from foreign competition, either in the goods and services we buy or those we try to sell globally.


The BNP are also committed to recapturing ownership of British land, property and utilities that have foreign owners or shareholders-sounds great doesn't it?


But how are they going to pay for these assets? Will they take them back whilst holding their foreign owners/shareholders at arms length with a gun? What would that do to our international standing? What effect would it have on the value of these assets if the potential market for them was reduced to UK citizens only? Pension funds, and other investments owned by ordinary British people rely on these assets to trade to their maximum potential.


These are the major flaws in the BNP's economic argument.

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