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Is the term "chav" an insult to the poor working class?

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Why, surely chav would suffice, after all isn't it about anti-social behaviour?


If you re read my post I did say what they wear also ie the Burberry label etc...it has nothing to do with someone being poor etc - jesus if they can afford burberry and those heavy gold chains - they arnt exactly poor are they?

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I didn't say clothes did I. I put "Like poverty". If poverty is so easy to get out of why does the government spend so much money trying to eradicate it.


A few years ago it was really clamped down on people using the N word and P word. Then someone came along and chose the word Chav which was originally aimed at the Special Brew drinking, Burberry wearing down and out. People loved that they had a new word they could label people they didn't like with.


To compare calling someone a chav to racism, is pretty idiotic.


I have mainly seen it aimed at the poor working class who people don't like. It may only come with anti-social behaviour but it's only used in relation to the poor and anti-social.


Personally, it's got nothing to do with poverty. It's as you say, their anti-social behaviour (and possibly the clothes they wear) that determines what they are.

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Argued this for years. It's as offensive as the N and P word to me. Some argue that the N and P word are labelling people on things they have no control over. Like poverty.


I can't see a link between poverty and being a chav though, an association, yes, but not a direct link.


Who was the bin man who won the lottery. He was a chav even when he was rich.

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