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I am sick of freebies for the benefits class!

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Try reading what was posted as it was a reply to the amount of income received. ;)


Don't try and be clever, any normal equation would account for real world items like a house and the bills associated with that house and the total cost of such.


If you want to be pedantic, the bus shelter dweller will indeed receive the amount you have posted.

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What else do u want ffs? You have a roof, car and abit of pleasure. Geesh! some people want the world.


We both work full time for that and some of the unemployed can afford better cars than a 10 year old Peugeot 406, wheres the justice ffs in your words)

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I'm not jealous just angry that the unemployed have better lifestyle if they keep turning kids out in an overpopulated country while I have worked virtually non-stop since 1966 as has my OH:roll:

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I agree Mecky, i myself have been unfortunate enough to have been on job seekers a while back and although it was not for long i hated all the stigma attached with it and felt ashamed at having to sign on.


Not everyone is a benefit scrounger :(


I have applied on 2 occasions for JSA - the first time, the guy over the phone asked if I wanted his personal mobile because, before he was 'forced' to take that job, he had happily been long term unemployed and would be happy to pass on his knowledge of scams and loopholes so I wouldn't have to work.


I yelled at him and hung up. I didn't get JSA.


The second time I got through the phone stage and went into the office to fill in the paperwork.

They seemed amused that I was so desperate to work but said they ould ask if I wanted to work in the Jobcentre. I asked if I could kick lazybums into getting jobs. I was told that the longer people were out of work, the more secure job centre employees jobs were.


I didn't end up getting JSA because I had been unemployed twice in 12 months, so didn't qualify. WTF?


How to all these people get by not doing anything, but making people who pay taxes foot the bill for lazyness?


Oh, I think I am getting depressed over all the things I am missing out on by being employed. Oh, I think I'll have to get signed off with depression.

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Income Support benefit rates for single parent with 3 children:

Lone Parent £ 65.45 p/wk

Dependant Child #1 £ 57.57 “

Dependant Child #2 £ 57.57 “

Dependant Child #3 £ 57.57 “

Family Premium £ 22.20 “

Total £ 260.36 x 52wks = £ 13,538.72 per year


Add in rent & council tax paid in full by local authority = approx. £ 5,500.00

(Plus free dental/optical/prescriptions etc)

Yearly NET income = £ 19,038.72


Salary reqd. to earn this net income, approx. £ 25,000 p/year

Benefits should be capped at 75% of minimum wage.
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I think it's impotant to remember that the benefits system wasn't set up to enable people to avoid working long term, it was set up to provide a safety net for useful workers and even business owners who lose out when the economy inevitably goes into a bust cycle. It's a useful service for everybody because the second group (those who want to work) help the economy to recover more quickly after a recession.


If you didn't provide 'freebies' to people who were economically inactive or living on the 'bread line' you would have to provide them with more money to pay for these services because rats can spread disease and the tax payer would lose out as a result. Not every person on JSA requires rat catching services but you'd need to provide them all with the ability to pay for them if necessary. It's better for the taxpayer to only cover the cost of the service to those who need it than to pay everybody more just in case they need it.

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We both work full time for that and some of the unemployed can afford better cars than a 10 year old Peugeot 406, wheres the justice ffs in your words)


Where?? I'm yet to see an unemployed person driving around in a better car than someone whos employed on a decent wage.


Maybe these unemployed people worked before and had enough cash to afford a decent car? they may have lost their jobs and appear to someone like yourself ''A dosser''


I refuse to believe it's made too easy for someone not to work.

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I refuse to believe it's made too easy for someone not to work.
For most I am sure it's difficult, but for some - those who know the system and know what bells to pull - it's far too easy.


There are plenty of families on benefits with higher after-tax income than working families on reasonable income.

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Where?? I'm yet to see an unemployed person driving around in a better car than someone whos employed on a decent wage.


Maybe these unemployed people worked before and had enough cash to afford a decent car? they may have lost their jobs and appear to someone like yourself ''A dosser''


I refuse to believe it's made too easy for someone not to work.


Inever meant to imply that it is same for all, we've been there too but there are plenty of people who churn out loads of kids, live in big houses funded by you and me, can afford better cars than us and afford holidays, ours mainly consist of two weeks in caravan at a cost of about £150 for the fortnight because we keep caravan on cheap fishing site

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