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A lovely british summers day!!

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ah a lovely british summers day


1) kids out n about screaming and balling

2) mums shouting at them telling em to shut up

3) dogs barking constantly

4) cars going by with music louder than a nightclub

5) chavs going by ****** or drugged out their heads swearing

6) people mowing lawns


roll on winter!!!




It's looking like its gonna be another lovely British summers day.


1. It's great to hear kids out and about enjoying the rare opportunity of good weather. Would you prefer that they stayed indoors, watching TV or playing games consoles? (rhetorical question).


2. Again, good to hear that parents are also monitoring their noise levels and intervening where required, maybe out of respect for other people out in their gardens. Boisterousness is fine in moderation, but noise for the sake of noise is a nuisance.


3. Evidence that your re-hashing pointless replies provided to a previous thread (http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=7720209#post7720209). D minus, troll harder.


4. It's their choice to deafen themselves and as you stated, they're going by, so a minor inconvenience for a few seconds out of an hour. Lets say 5 cars pass in an hour playing loud music and each takes a max of 15 seconds to pass. That works out at around 2% of an hour. Put in perspective, that's hardly a massive inconvenience.


5. Use this to pontificate at their lack of vocabulary and that your able to enjoy this weather without the influence of narcotics.


6. People are gonna cut the grass in summer. You ain't gonna change that, mainly because it grows quicker in summer and most lawn mowers don't work well with wet grass or snow.

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Picture this, we were driving passed the car park just before the suprise (after fox house) 07:15 Friday morning, One vehicle parked in the car park, it was maybe some sort of camper van but no windows, a pretty young woman in the middle of the car park slowly dancing to, and enjoying, the morning sun (so it seemed)


Kinda made my day to see what appeared to be such a free spirit :)

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Quality. Yesterdays weather made me wanna get up early today to enjoy every bit of the sunshine today.


I'll be washing the bike on the back garden shortly and might even tidy the garden later.

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Picture this, we were driving passed the car park just before the suprise (after fox house) 07:15 Friday morning, One vehicle parked in the car park, it was maybe some sort of camper van but no windows, a pretty young woman in the middle of the car park slowly dancing to, and enjoying, the morning sun (so it seemed)


Kinda made my day to see what appeared to be such a free spirit :)


I thought Hippys were a thing of the past . :hihi:

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iphonelover i certainly do NOT live On a council estate - just too near one where all the bloody racket is coming from!!


You need to move!


I used to hate the trouble that a hot day brought where we lived before. Same situation as you, private house too close to a rough council estate = lots of rowdy, noisy, bare chested chavs and their 'babbies', lots of cans of carling and the essence of weed in the air. Plus it seemed to make them want to razz around on their off roaders (on the road!) more than usual.

However, since moving, I now love a hot summer's day. No trouble at all, no shouting or yelling, no music blasting out from a parked up chavmobile, just like minded neighbours in their gardens enjoying the sunshine, BBQ's, a glass of lager and a bit of friendly chit chat over the garden fence....bliss. :)

Oh, we do still hear the grass being cut though but it's somewhat relaxing to my ears now!

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