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Why should I be made to suffer.

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Do you agree people? I think it's a disgrace.



Not a porn fan, reality is my fix, however you have a point, The clothes kids wear on not are a real issue. or is it porned up parents who are to liberal. Any how" F C U K" T shirts, kiddy push up bra's and play boy logo slapper kit is not good:roll: Society is over sexed from all angles, we are moraly corrupt and we will burn in hell for it. I'm a agnostic mind.

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But F C U K has no relevance or reference to porn.


Read the first post, Porn and referances to how retailers sell clothes to promote little slappers, tedious link yes. A fix of porn on a lap top being made harder buy the powers,yet they let kids dress like trollops.:roll::roll: do you se the link??????????????????????????????

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Studies have shown its up to 70% of women looking at porn too, so its not just men. Its time we all grew up about this, stopped being repressed and move into the modern world. I can't see how pornographic images 'damage' children in anyway personally, its natural to be interested in these things and develop a healthy, open, attitude towards sex growing up.


My point is why is sex, the most natural thing, damaging?? its crazy when you think about it and by making it taboo you are infact damaging people even more.


Sex is a natural thing, of course. However porn is not really a true representation of this act, surely? The people are not representative of the average person, in particular the women depicted.

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Sex is a natural thing, of course. However porn is not really a true representation of this act, surely? The people are not representative of the average person, in particular the women depicted.
And the acts aren't either. For a young impressionable mind, it's not a good thing. Studies have shown that these days young boys in particular have a very skewed idea about sex and relationships. And young girls are being pressured into some perverse situations due to it.


Anyway, isn't porn just another boring spectator sport indulged in mostly by people who don't get it? A bit like people watching Wimbledon who've never even had a raquet in their hands, or people who are avid football fans, who maybe do play the game, but very badly? If you aren't actually taking part, what's the point of watching it? :hihi:


Although on the actual topic of the nanny state, I agree with the underlying premise that just because some parents cannot be bothered to try to protect their children and allow them a normal childhood, sad losers porn watchers shouldn't have to negotiate the tricky minefield of a parental block ;)

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What's pornographic. A man and women engaging in the sexual act. Or war where the human body can and is blown to pieces, or horribly mutilated. Which is pornographic I ask.





I agree, and I wouldn't want my pre-teen or adolescent watching it either. And neither do I want to watch it myself. There's enough angst around without watching horrible things for 'pleasure'.


Although violence, mutilation, blowing people up and general mayhem aren't actually contained within the definition of 'pornographic', are they?

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