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If You Could Go Back In Time In Sheffield......

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I would go back to Friday, August 22nd 1879.


I would go to the evening lecture at Firth College delivered by the famous Victorian scientist Sir William Crookes where in a darkened room he revealed to the world his researches into "Radiant Matter" with a magical variety of electron tubes designed to entertain and educate.


From that lecture came the cathode ray tube that led to television, the X-ray tube, and atomic physics. What he had discovered and named radiant matter turned out to be electrons.


It was an important night in the history of science, yet completely forgotten and left uncelebrated by the people of Sheffield.


His lecture can be downloaded as a high quality pdf file here -



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You know....medieval Sheffield would have been interesting. Take my camcorder alone and witness the destruction of Sheffield Castle in whatever year it was....13th Century?


or maybe, pulled a few strings and saved the castle. HURRAH!

It might even be still standing today and would be the biggest tourist attraction in the area except for York Minster, Nottingham Castle or that Last of the Summer wine cafe in Holmfirth!!


But, a horrid thought, no doubt Sheffield Council would declare it as 'out of date' with the new look for the City, and bulldoze it to build.....arghhhhhhhh Sheffield markets!!!!


You wouldn't need to go back that far only to 1648!

"It was one of the Castles that Cromwell knocked about a bit!":hihi:

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Hmmm.... where do I start?


I'd like to go back to Victorian Sheffield to see how things were then, also to the very beginning to watch how Sheffield developed over the years into what is is now. :thumbsup:


I think if we could all do this, and see the filthy air people breathed, and the filthy, cramped and squalid conditions most of them lived in, I think we would all appreciate our lot today a great deal more. Victorian Sheffield was probably a low point for quality of life. Be a pretty good history lesson for all whingers!!!


(Light the blue touchpaper and retire..........!:))

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You wouldn't need to go back that far only to 1648!

"It was one of the Castles that Cromwell knocked about a bit!":hihi:


Depends which castle CR was thinking of - the castle built by de Lovetot was destroyed in the 13th. century along with the parish church.


It was the later stone castle that was destroyed by the ancestors of Sheffield City Council ;)


Hopefully when the council demolish the markets the archaeologists will have an opportunity to do a thorough investigation on the site.

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I'd go back to a time whereby the parents of the present crop of slack-jawed, knuckle dragging street filth could be sterilised before they had the chance to breed.


I'd take the last twenty years worth of court reports back with me of course so as to ensure I didn't miss any.

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Depends which castle CR was thinking of - the castle built by de Lovetot was destroyed in the 13th. century along with the parish church.


It was the later stone castle that was destroyed by the ancestors of Sheffield City Council ;)


Hopefully when the council demolish the markets the archaeologists will have an opportunity to do a thorough investigation on the site.


True and false

De Lovetot's castle was built c1110 it might have lasted till 1266 when John Evil destroyed it by fire (therefore made of wood) then the Furnival's built a stone one in 1270. Then in 1332 Sheffield was hit by the Black Death. Yes that's right not 1348! And mass panic destroyed everything. The castle was still not worth 1d in 1381. And it was John Talbot who built the final castle around 1400 that lasted till 1648.

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