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Would you sell a body part for anything?

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I 've got a body part I 'd like to sell but I can 't really advertise it or discuss it on a family forum. [ Plus---there 'd be the usual envious types, hurling abuse ].


Anyway, I 've no use for it anymore, so it might as well go. Maybe one of those Swiss Transplant Clinics would cough up a tidy sum ? If I leave it much longer, it won 't be any good to man nor beast-----so, quickly, please-----info. !!

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I 've got a body part I 'd like to sell but I can 't really advertise it or discuss it on a family forum. [ Plus---there 'd be the usual envious types, hurling abuse ].


Anyway, I 've no use for it anymore, so it might as well go. Maybe one of those Swiss Transplant Clinics would cough up a tidy sum ? If I leave it much longer, it won 't be any good to man nor beast-----so, quickly, please-----info. !!


This should be in the for sale section.


And a photo might help you get rid of it, ask a mod to make it 'sticky' ;)

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You 're quite correct Fortysummat-----and I did try the photograph angle not long ago. However..........problems.....!


I asked an old friend if he 'd take a picture of it, in a suitable setting, so to speak. He went into a huff, said, " Well, I'M not like that, " and I haven 't seen him since.


I eventually did manage to take my own photo and tried to put it on one of those supermarket notice boards.[ Banned for life ]


Then I tried a newsagent 's shop window [ Arrested---fined ]


I 'm definitely NOT trying the ' sandwich board ' approach !


I suppose there 's the internet........facebook.....etc.....but with all these injunctions .....etc....I 'd probably have to leave the country under a cloud and move to North Korea or somewhere like that.


I prefer a quick nip over to a Swiss clinic, pair of scissors and bottle of brandy-----half a million quid in the hand ...........and a retirement in Milton Keynes.

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