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What Things Did You Make As Kids?

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Back in the 50s as kids we never had the sort of pastimes youngsters have nowadays.We used to make all kind of things,such as peashooters,catapults ect.One we used to make at Hillfoot was a hand warmer for the winter,we would collect clay at the quarry at Parkwood Springs to make them.When finished it resembled a mini babys cradle,you filled it with waste wool,lit it,keeping it alight by blowing through a hole at one end,it really warmed your mitts.Did any Forum members ever do anything such as this when kids in the old times?.:D:roll::D

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Trolleys, the best had bigger pram wheels on the back to make them look like drag racers.

You could steer with your feet or a piece of rope tied to the front axle.


Throwing arrows with a dart head on the end of a cane, we cut a notch in the end and launched them with a bit of string.


We built a brilliant tree house, there was still a bit of wood from it nailed high up in the tree 30 years later!

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Can't remember what we called them 2 tin cans with a hole punched in each side & a long string that you held threaded through,each one you put your foot on each can pulled the string and walked. Dad made me a pair of stilts out of mams clothes props I nearly broke my neck , dad got a right ear bashin and had to make 2 new props,

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I made a hydro-electric testi crucher.

A simple vice like device with a double nut cracker like vice that was controlled by a simple hydrolic cylinder to provide slow force. As the vice closed, a variable resistor slowly increased the current being delivered, via a pair of electrodes, to the victim's testicles.

It was designed to be sold to extremist south American governments of the day.


Of course, now I'm older, I realise my error in the design of such an instrument of torture.

I just didn't anticipate the new generation of micro electronics that could have given far greater pain by using a pulsed signal (like a cattle fence) instead of simple AC.

Silly me.

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