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What Things Did You Make As Kids?

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Can't remember what we called them 2 tin cans with a hole punched in each side & a long string that you held threaded through,each one you put your foot on each can pulled the string and walked. Dad made me a pair of stilts out of mams clothes props I nearly broke my neck , dad got a right ear bashin and had to make 2 new props,


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Touch burners ! Usually square clay ones...
Yep, remember' em well..:) In 1955 they drained the pond in Hillsborough Park, and also laid the foundations for the nearby running track and sports arena. This produced lots of lovely clay, which we made into brick shapes and then hollowed out. After punching a half-inch hole in each end, we baked them in the old fire oven. Stuffed with cotton "engine waste", kept alight by blowing through the holes, they kept our hands warm when playing out in winter.
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French skipping ropes, by either linking elastic bands together or using knicker elastic. These were then put around the ankles of two friends who stood about a yard apart and the third person peformed a series of fancy steps and turns, before the elastic was raised to calves, then knees and so on till you failed a move then you changed roles.

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I was a really physical child and we went to a fabulous primary school which closed just after we left, but which offered all sorts of training that just wasn't on any sort of curriculum. By the time I was ready to leave aged 9 I could card and spin wool and use a full sized mechanical loom with punch cards to weave the wool into fabric, use a potters' wheel to make various things and had learned the basics of joinery and wood turning. I also learned to embroider, crochet and knit there.


I loved all of the hands on things that we did and found it all rather boring to spend my days in a classroom sitting at a desk when I went up to middle school.


With having been to the primary school I went to, most of the things that I made as a child were really rather professional bearing in mind my age, like tables that are still in use with members of the family and stuff like that.

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Most of the things we made and did as kids back in the 70s would have you locked up these days, the age of innocence has long gone, we were very adventurous and mischievous (bordering on criminal), we went from making go karts and bow & arrows to 'throwing pipes' and 'kung fu stars' within a couple of early teen years...happy days !!

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My brother made a hot air balloon - out of an old treacle tin, some crepe paper and methylated spirit.....


And it worked!!!


It flew up from the back garden and went right over the house, down the other side and landed on the roof rack of a land rover going up the hill!!!!!!!


I often wondered what the driver thought, when this treacle tin landed on his car, probably banging against the back window as he drove!!!!!! :hihi: :hihi:

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