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What Things Did You Make As Kids?

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My dad used to make us boats from newspaper which we had sailing races with on the paddling pool at Firth Park.


He also used to fold paper so that when you held it and flicked your wrist hard it made a loud bang, we used to make my mum jump out of her skin with it. She once dropped a huge meat and potato pie all over the kitchen floor when my brother did it.

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Sat on kerb in hot weather playing with a stick in melting pitch then having to rub a bit of lard on your hands to remove the pitch
Oh blimey, that brought back memories, I remember doing that as well and being told off big time for getting it all over my dresses and socks lol
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I remember making as hand puppet at school.

Plasticine head, a bucket of flour paste and news papers torn into little pieces .

Dip the bits of news paper into the paste and stick it on to the tennis ball sized head, leave over night to set.

Next day cut head in half ,remove plasticine, re paste two halves back together leaving a neck hole to push your finger in then leave to dry over night, next day paint face .....


Really sad init.....:suspect:

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Back in the 50s as kids we never had the sort of pastimes youngsters have nowadays.We used to make all kind of things,such as peashooters,catapults ect.One we used to make at Hillfoot was a hand warmer for the winter,we would collect clay at the quarry at Parkwood Springs to make them.When finished it resembled a mini babys cradle,you filled it with waste wool,lit it,keeping it alight by blowing through a hole at one end,it really warmed your mitts.Did any Forum members ever do anything such as this when kids in the old times?.:D:roll::D


HI Tup yes we made those, plus rabbit hutches, shelves for mum , sledges made of old tin and scrap wood ,rope for swings out of orange box ties,we used to build dens out of old carpet old corrugated sheets. [ l won't say what went on in there]l would like to make houses and churches from old cardboard when it was raining, we played games as well, we did not know what being bored was, nowadays it seems a common phrase, not many had even radios, when l was very young,lots had not even electricity. Very happy days. Arfer mo

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[ lol

Sat on kerb in hot weather playing with a stick in melting pitch then having to rub a bit of lard on your hands to remove the pitch


OOOOH the memories!! Tar on a stick, slopdosh and perfume made from rose petals and puddle water!! Oh! and wine made from squeezing grapes and then pretending to be drunk after you drank it !

And just remembered , lying on the roundabout in Hillsbrough Park and sharpening a lolly stick on the ground as it spun round.

Were we easily pleased in those days? or are todays kids so overwhelmed with stuff they don't have the simple pleasures we had.

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Parachutes! usually made with a piece of rag or old hanky, best ones were from one my mam's old headscarves, nice thin string tied to the corners and a stone or something as a weight and chuck it as high as you could manage, if it was small enough you could launch it with a 'gat' (catapult) Lost a few in high winds though.

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