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Do you suffer from lack of self confidence ?

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I think that's the problem. Presently Shaznay is who she is, she's a product of herself. She can't be herself as that's who she is. Her only only salvation is her recognition. If I was shaz I wouldn't even be contemplating a relationship to prop up the confidence issue. Confidence is usually built on achievement/s so for me it would be looking at myself as a 'project' shall we say. Create goals..don't worry if you fail, most people do. Don't create unreasonable goals...keep real. Dump the wardrobe..re-kit it. and don't try to hard to quickly. Achieve and revel in your achievement.


thanks for that Alien....:)

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I genuinly do suffer from lack of self confidence


I guess being married to someone for 20 odd years who constantly criticised and showed no interest didnt help


now I have been single for a couple of years I think the the past still lives with me


had a relationship with someone I thought loved me and made me feel good....then decided didnt want commitment and left..... knock back again


and I know self confidence is one of the main things guys like in a woman


how do you get it ...... without looking like a big head :roll:


confident people seem to get what they want....and they dont even have to be drop dead gorgeous either.......:(


Hi Shaznay,


Firstly, having met you previously, I have to say you are the most sincere and loving person. You have many great qualities that come natural and you should be happy in the knowledge that people like you for those.


I am sorry you are suffering as a result of your lacking confidence. I believe we all, no matter how confident we appear to others, have our own insecurities. I know I suffer pretty badly, due to events that happened many years ago... but I won't go into that.

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dont be ashamed ....... thats good :)


I've met Patti few times and she doesn't lack confidence and neither do I but she's nothing to be ashamed of, confident people can be very nice and it doesn't necessarily make them arrogant. Hi Patti:wave:

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I do Shaznay. I always thought in my teens and early twenties I was a very confident person. Knockbacks and the hard knocks of life have completely killed that in me.


I have come to the conclusion that I just can't stand rejection of any form so I don't put myself in situations where it might happen unless forced to. To the point I don't even try dating now, I've stayed in jobs where I've been unhappy and sometimes even don't ask friends to do stuff in case they say no, I'd rather do it on my own if there's a chance of that... and the times I do and they don't respond eagerly, I get really upset about.


so people think I'm really brave as I do stuff traditionally for couples on my own occasionally (i.e. gigs, cinema, theatre, going on trips) but it's just the reverse really.


I do occasionally deal with it but I'm not a shrug it off and get on with it person, I beat myself up for hours or days about it.


that sounds sad edna.....but I know what you mean, we dont have to put ourselves in those situations but it also means we might have a long lonely life ahead ......:(


you are flippin gorgeous too, someone is missing out big time :)

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Hi Shaznay,


Firstly, having met you previously, I have to say you are the most sincere and loving person. You have many great qualities that come natural and you should be happy in the knowledge that people like you for those.


I am sorry you are suffering as a result of your lacking confidence. I believe we all, no matter how confident we appear to others, have our own insecurities. I know I suffer pretty badly, due to events that happened many years ago... but I won't go into that.


Thanks for your kind words AO.......you always come across as very confident .... just shows that even the most outgoing people can lack in confidence ..... and just to add, you are also one of the most genuine people I have had the pleasure to meet :)

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